12: kidnapped

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Katerina's POV

They marked us with tattoos of king and queen and I smiled widely looking at Adriano his crown made him made him look legit

It was specially designed in gold and mines was designed with diamonds and he looked at me

"I'll go and talk to Alessandro" I said and he smiled nodding at me and I went and looked around the place and I found Alessandro on the bar touching his shoulders I smiled when he tensed up

"Check it out" I said and he smiled looking at my tatoo which I specifically said should be on my neck and he chuckled "it looks awesome and I signed " talk to me" I said and he smiled

" about what??" He asked and I smiled "what got you this worked out" I said and he smiled taking his phone showing me a picture of Sophie

"she happened... It was today when she died... She had just told me that I'll become a father  and we had just got married she left me just like that... She didn't even the time she agreed to be my fake girlfriend" he said taking a shot and I hugged him tightly

"I don't think she will happy wherever she is to see in this condition cheer up for her sake I don't think its all worth it... She will all hurt now smile for her sake" I said and he hugged me back tightly

"Okay mafia queen thanks so much" he said and I smiled then a person came and tapped my shoulder and when I turned it was waiter

"Ma'am a guy gave this to me he said that you shouldn't keep him waiting" she said and I smiled widely looking at the note

Meet me on the corridors
I have something special to show you
Love mafia king

I looked at him and he smiled showing me that I can go and I smiled going by the corridor and I bumped into Lorenzo on my way

"Ooh sorry brother in law" I said and he smiled "uuummm mafia queen knows how to apologise wow good to know that you aren't going to die without manners" he said and l groaned

"Now I'm going to deal with you later I have to meet Adriano by the corridor" I said and he shook his head

"Mmh brother wants to meet by the corridor??? That's weird I thought he was going to be busy all night... Mmmh suspicious but then again he is the mafia king now which means he can do anything he wants now" he said and I kissed him on the cheek then ran off come on its Lorenzo he deserves some sugar from the one and only mafia queen every now and then

I left him chuckling and I went by the corridor... It was empty and I frowned

Adriano is an idiot so you telling me he just called me to sit around and do nothing when his note was written as if he was waiting for me

"Kate" Luisa called me and I turned smiling "what's up" I asked and she laughed "its just that you acting like you forgot us" she said and I laughed

"now what makes you say that??" I asked and she hugged me

"I don't know you have just been with the Ferraris a lot and I was getting scared they taking you away from me" she said and I smiled widely

"nobody is going to to take me away from you... Not when all of you guys are here besides I have just been crowned I need to learn the ways of the Ferrari's since I'm going to stay with them" I said and she smiled kissing my forehead

"Its just that my big sister senses are telling me something bad is going to happen and I don't want anything to happen to you... I love you" she said and I smiled widely

"I love you more now run along mafia king summoned for me" I said and she smiled "of course my queen" she said and then I was finally alone

I heard shuffling behind me and when I turned there was nothing in sight

"mafia king... Come on you call me and you playing games with me??? Come on hurry up I have to get back" I said to the empty corridor walking around and again I felt that someone was behind me but then there was nothing

"Adriano.... Come on it is not funny" I said and I heard chuckling at the other end of the corridor which was dark

"Still scared of the dark and empty places I see" the voice said and I frowned what the fuck the voice is too familiar

I swear I heard in school few weeks ago before graduating

"Justin??.... Goodness Justin you scaring me and you know that come here I missed you!!!" I said excitement clear in my voice and when I got close I hugged him tightly 

"Come on for my best friend in the entire world you have stupid pranks up your sleeve" I said and he just hugged me not saying anything

"Justin... What are you thinking??" I asked and he pulled back from me "I'm sorry" he said and something pocked my back when his hand was hurt and I looked at him

"ouch what was that??" I asked and he groaned out the moment I started feeling dizzy

"I'm sorry Kate I have no choice my mafia needs this" he said and I frowned mafia??? Justin has a mafia??? I couldn't get time to think properly because I was dizzy as fuck

"Did you just drug me??" I asked and he groaned "I'm sorry again Kate I didn't want to do this I promise I'm Innocent" its the only thing I heard before darkness welcomed me in and I zoned out

Author's POV

Get ready cuz we are about to meet our favourite lead in my mafia boss Sofia Perez...
Let's see how this kidnapping will save her life too❤💋💓

Spoilers :

She ain't dead

another update lovies

Thanks for the reads

Love ya

the mafia queen #2 Where stories live. Discover now