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Katerina's POV

"Hey pretty lady long time no see" Lorenzo said and I smiled widely looking at him "heyy Lorenzo how r you doing?" I asked and he smiled kissing my cheek 

"I'm doing good mafia queen m doing good" he said and I smiled "

great because now we have to eat some dinner" I said and Matteo with Leo went straight into their food digging in like mad people and I smiled looking at their behaviour its so childish so cute

When we finished eat I smiled sitting down by the lounge with all of them 

"To be honest sister in law you didn't do Lorenzo good I mean he was the only one who came to see you everyday, he was the one to carry you home with matt and still didn't kiss him" Diego said and I smiled 

"Well you're right Diego I didn't that's not fair to him at all poor thing" I said standing up and he chuckled

"don't worry enzo I'll kiss you thank you today okay" I said and he smiled to himself and Adriano was calm he probably think I won't do it mother fucker

Going to Lorenzo I made him stand and smashed my lips on his and he froze his whole body not moving and he relaxed just as quick pulling me to him as he took control of the kiss kissing me back hungrily oh my goodness the Ferrari men are just so fucking good when it comes to these things 

My whole body developed goosebumbs he was a fantastic kisser that I won't lie 

He was about to yank me up to him when he got pulled away from me  and a fist connecting to his cheek and I groaned I looked up to meet with Adriano's angry glare he was definitely going to kill him 

Jumping on him he quickly started throwing punches in his face and I gasped more mostly because as he was beating the shit out of his brother the rest of them were just watching only Carlos stopped him as he went far poor thing 

"Don't you dare lay a hand on my woman ever again" he was beyond pissed and I smiled at him "mafia king is so cute" I mumbled to myself

"if you know what's best for you go away" Diego said to Lorenzo and he was groaning about to stand up when Adriano took out his gun 

Pointing it to his brother I knew it was loaded and had no safety pin on it so he will shoot him pushing his hand aside he shot the vase and the boys finally stood up taking the gun away from him and he smiled when I touched his hand wincing as the pain was too much and he smirked taking me in his arms

"Sore??" He asked and I nodded "good cause I like to let people know about my work" he said touching my neck and chuckling to himself

"I love how my marks looks on you" he said and I shook my head 

"You all!most killed him" I laughed and he smiled "I know but he gotta know that you're mine" he said 

"So making you mad worked??" I asked and he smiled nodding "we have to talk though Mrs Ferrari  in private" he said and the people literally dragged us to the back yard and we sat under the shed 

"So what happened Mr Ferrari" I asked and he smiled "you know !me Kate we have met before" he said and I looked at him

"well maybe yes maybe not I font remember all I remember is that you fucked me before our wedding" I said and he smiled looking at me 

"Well you're already my wife from when you was small mrs Ferrari so I have no objections considering we didn't have a wedding night then" he said and I smiled widely "explain to me Mr Ferrari" I said and he smiled 

"Hello I'm a... Martin Ferrari" he said and for a moment there I paused and he looked at me giving !e a deep eye contact and I swallowed hard... I was right... He is martin .... The same martin who disappeared

"You... Martin.... As in Martin... I hadmy doubts about that... Well this is awkward... But how did you..." I asked and he smirked

"the moment I heard you're mafia queen I knew I had to be the king" he said and I hugged him 

"You have a lot of explaining to do" I said and  he chuckled "what do you want to know Mrs Adriano martin Ferrari" he asked and I smiled "why did you disappear

" well the day we met it was my moms funeral mom had been killed by the Swedish mafia so dad said we needed to move together with the boys and go to america and after a few years the boys returned but I was in Switzerland sorting out the company and the mafia and I knew I had to come home so I only came when we were working on Sophie's case" he said and I smiled 

"The mafia gala... I couldn't attend but had all eyes on you... I know everything about you wifey... And you didn't disappoint" he said and I smiled 

"Well this is weird so are we gonna get married again... Or are we not getting ! married.... Did we sin by sleeping together... Or did we not goodness this is so confusing... We are king and queen which means we are the !nature ones... Do I inform the others??"

I asked and he shut me up when his lips made contact with mines fuck I can't lie

Adriano is the best kisser ever 

"Shhh" he said and I smiled "so we are not getting married?" I asked

"Katerina Hernandez don't you know that the king and queen must get married" a voice I very well recognised said and I jumped 

"DAD!!!!" I screamed going to hug him and he chuckled


Another update guys

Thanks for the reads 

Love ya 

the mafia queen #2 Where stories live. Discover now