23: His Queen

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Kate's POV

Clearly he was not done with me yet for real

He turned me into positions I did not even know I was capable off and used all sort of ways in me... He had his ways with me and now I'm exhausted

He stood up going to the bathroom and came back

He had something in his hands and he opened my legs placing it causing me to wince fuck i was so sore

"all sore for me ain't you mafia queen?" he asked and I smiled "yess daddy" I purred out and he chuckled pulling me to him

So far I have been training Andre to be such a good baby to us and moreover the future Don of the Spanish mafia

Carlos said once Andre becomes of age he will give him the mafia as a tribute to Andrea my brother

"thank you so much for everything mafia king" I whispered and he chuckled "that's why you're mine wife Mrs Ferrari" he said and I smiled sleeping off


"cannooon ballllll" the loud noise came and i frowned and before I could open my eyes a loud thump on the bed made my eyes shoot wide open and I gasped

"Andre you so early in the morning" I said wrapping the sheets on my arm pits and he smiled "good morning Aunt Kate" he said and I smiled

"good morning Andre come on besos en la mejilla" I said pointing at my cheeks and he kissed me

"if you get a wife one day she'll need besos everyday you know" I exclaimed and he sat down looking aside

"I don't think that I'll ever get married aunt Kate" he said and I smiled softly "why is that?" I asked and he looked at me

"women are bad... They will kill me just like she did with my dad" he said in a very sad tone and I carried him and winced softly and I chuckled inside fuck mafai king is really good at this

"do you think I'm bad?" I asked and he shook his head

"exactly do you perhaps thi K I will kill mafia king?" I asked and he shook his head "no you wouldn't you would never hurt mafia king" he said and I smiled

"haha as if.... Andrew my boyy if anything this woman will be the death of me" Adriano said coming from. The door with breakfast and I smiled

"not helping" I said and he chuckled

"okay okay Mrs Ferrari I'll tell him the truth...... She is my babygirl my queen and my Everything..... Andre I would do anything for her and you know the happiness I have coming home everyday to talk to her it's priceless... I love her" Adriano said looking at me and I smiled softly

"would you take a bullet for her?" Andrea asked and Adriano smiled "yess of course I would" he said and I gasped

"don't you see what's going on mafia queen..... You're making mafia king weak because of your love" he said and I gasped when he jumped out

"you guys can love each other but I'll never love a woman" he groaned and I smiled softly when he ran off

"he is taking after you Mr Ferrari.... Very adamant and so self settled" I said and he smiled about to kiss me when I ran to the bathroom and threw up

"you okay?" he asked as I used the mouthwash to cleanse my mouth and he groaned as I sat down on the sink

Number 1: I'm sore asfff
Number 2: I'm weak asff

I didn't even have the energy to say anything he just ran out and I heard him talking over his phone

Carrying me in his arms he made me lay on the bed

"I'm so sore right now but godds I so badly want my morning kiss" I said softly and he chuckled looking at me

"Mrs Ferrari queit a vixen you're becoming" he said and I smiled softly when he kissed me softly on my cheeks and then gave me a drugging kiss

"thank you" I said and the door opened to reveal the doctor he instantly came on my side asked what happened and Adriano explained and the doctor smiled taking a sample of my blood and put it on this matching thingy and I frowned

It had so many things on it

Flu and cough :negative
Hiv and aids :negative
Bp: normal
Pregnancy :positive

It read and my jaw dropped open ooh don't be shocked we were having raw sex you didn't think I wasn't going to get pregnant?

Looking at mafia queen he thanked the doctor saying byee and I smiled when he came back

"The fuck me Ferrari this marriage didn't even last a month and u git me pregnant?? You mother fucking lustful man" I breathed and he chuckled

"don't act like you don't beg for it mrs me" he said and I smiled softly

"don't act like you're carrying the babies you fucker" I said and moaned when he squeezed my boobs

"but you couldn't have it any other way because you love me and you know I'm your daddy and you're my beautiful queen

" I swear if you don't honeymoon me. Soon you won't see the baby"i said and he chuckled kissing my neck

"I can do that right now Mrs me just say the word" he said and I groaned "just give me the mother fucking breakfast" I said and he smiled kissing me softly


Another update guyss

Thanks for the reads

Love ya

the mafia queen #2 Where stories live. Discover now