14: He's Gone

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katerina's pov

"wahh so you're the one who made Justin dad's hand hurt?" I asked and she nodded

"yeah I had no choice he had my best friend I had to do something thats why he dont like me"she said and I smiled

"not bad Sophie"I said and she smiled finishing up cleaning my wounds and when we heard the doors opening she quickly run out

"why are you seriously after me?" I asked when McIntyre slayed just bellow my neck causing me to wince in pain and he was about to say something when we heard gunshots causing me to smirk to myself

"my in laws are here" i said and I smiled at myself and he slapped me and went

"guess you are leaving soon mafia queen well bye bye" justin said placing a kiss on my forehead and run out

the boys arrived same time with sophie but different sides she was with Gaviano and Giovanni in her arms and i saw the guys shocked expressions on their faces they talked a while and matteo came and untie me.

I was in a lot of pain thats for a fact was buh I had to stand up he wanted to carry me but I took guns from him and gave some to sophie

"come on sis let's go kick some butts" I said and when we was done sophie came face to face with Alessandro and i facce to face with Adriano he looked at me and then run off

so matteo carried me and i wasnt available to see what happened between Sophie and Alessandro

Matteo was busy settling me down cleaning my wounds and when I sat on my bed I smiled at myself remembering what adriano and I would do over here

but then again he was right... Wilson was right I couldn't make Adriano happy I was a mess  a very miserable terrible mess

"is he okay though?" I asked and he smiled

"of course im sure he will come and see you soon"he said kissed me softly on the forehead now rest my queen" he said and I smiled 

few days later

"Luisa... Where is mk??? He..... Luisa he... He didn't even look at me... He.." I trailed off when she touched my mouth "no.... Don't say that I'm sure he will come just calm down you have injuries and there yet to heal" she said and I cried miserably on her shoulder

"Justin's dad was right..... He doesn't want me anymore... Look at me I am so ugly now with all the wounds and bandages and I have nothing I am miserable....

Maybe he is gone somewhere to look for another mafia queen to replace me!!!... I love him damn it I really do .... He is all I want Lui I can't it hurts.." I cried out and winced when I felt a stung on my neck I already knew what it was so I gave into the darkness

                    *Adriano's POV*

"Can I talk to you for a minute" Luisa bugged in my office and I waved off the peoples who were inside and looked at her

"You're such an idiot Mr Ferrari more of a jerk than I thought" she said and I frowned "what are you taking about??" I asked and she groaned out smashing her hands on my table

"Before this whole incident happened you was all over her calling her your mafia queen and shit and for the past 2 weeks guess what your mafia queen is doing?? She is at home crying everyday not talking to everyone but me about you...

For fucks sakes she thinks you found another mafia queen to replace her and you know... I thought you was gonna be there for her and shit but you just had to prove to me that you're a fucking asshole..!!" She screamed and I stood up

"I don't appreciate you talking to me like that" I said and he she screamed loud

"I will talk to you however I want Mr Ferrari because you didn't just hurt her... You hurt me too and that's it.. Find your mafia queen I'll tell Justin to park the bags and they should leave the city to somewhere else I'm tired of swing my sister being a living dead person" she said looking at  I could are tears forming in her eyes

Wow nobody has ever talked to me that way before "she needs me??" I asked and she just nodded walking out and I groaned they don't know why I'm not going to see her... I'm scared i didn't want her to be in pain

She was hurt and I didn't want to see her in that state because she could have seen me cry and  how weak i became seeing her like that and I don't want that

Looking at her picture on my desk frame "you should go and see her Mr Ferrari" Alessandro said and I smiled

"you think so too??" I asked and he smiled only he knows what I have been through

"Yeah she's your future wife if you can't be weak with anyone but her then what's the point... The thing with a marriage Mr Ferrari is that you have to trust her enough with everything" he said and I smiled

"Well then what I'm I waiting for??" I said taking the keys telling my assistant to clear my schedule and drove to the Hernandez mansion

another update

thanks for the reads

love ya.

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