5: his territory

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Katerina's POV

Arriving home I didn't want anyone to see me I walked in the biometrics and confirmed it was me with my finger prints and went straight to my room none was in sight yet so that was easy for me

I went in the shower and gasped at how we're my undies were and I quickly washed off the wetness from my undies and hanged them before taking a proper bath

something caught my eyes from the mirror which was facing me and it was something red and purple around my neck and I gasped oh no that Adriano guy did not just do that... Did he just... Did he just mark me as his??


I knew I can't trust the guy one single bit he was busy on !u neck because if this...


Doesn't he know the mafia queen herself belongs to her and her only...

She don't belong to anyone and not especially some strong sexy ass mafia king with a very intoxicating cologne and a very masculine jaw and those ripe sexy juicy li.... Stop thinking that boy is not good for you

He's toxic and his aura says it all you can even feel it

Like the guy just stare at you with those hazel cat eyes and they just drown you in and you could literally obey what the guy is telling you to do

Well that charm might work with other women but doesn't work like that on me so let's see who is going to be the difficult one now I know what I'm up against and I know what to do

Waking up in the morning I groaned going downstairs well I was in those dress PJs and I smiled going downstairs got to have my coffee and then freshen up and I'll be off for practice

I entered the kitchen and i frowned seeing my siblings freeze up to what they were doing looking at me funny and I frowned

"what happened??" I asked and Luisa came to me "how was the date with Adriano last night?? Did you do anything special??" She asked and Sergio came next to me

"did you guys make a small little Adriano??" He asked and I frowned

"You need juice and not coffee" Carlos said and I frowned "oh you guys are acting weird what's going on?? " I asked and they all laughed

"we should ask you... How was it?..... Is he good at it or not??? Are you guys planning on popping out kids now??" Alexander asked and I laughed

"Mother fucker if anything else I wouldn't get pregnant because knowing you the first thing you'll teach baby is cursing and killing and I don't want my kids to inherit that" I said and he groaned

"ouch that hurts my feelings" he said darkly and I swallowed hard

"Just tell me what happened for you guys to look at me funny??" puzzled I asked

"who looks funny???" Andrea asking from the door way and Louis pointed at me I know they didn't want to cause Andrea is the dumb brother and can be the funny one too

"Oh yeah you don't look funny because of anything up you just have the.. There love bites all over your neck" he said and everyone groaned while I gasped goodness I completely forgot about that

"Oh yeah this... Well its not a big deal really .. People from the american mafia (Justin's mafia) came I to attack us so... together we found a way to prevent it we both agreed to kill them in style ..

You know a sexy kind of scene or something like that but I know I know its probably the most weird way to but we had to taste our chemistry so we did that and he happen to leave these here don't worry I'm not freaky like that" I said and they both started laughing

"And how was the chemistry with him then??" Louis asked and I laughed " I am not sure but its there... We both can feel it but I'm sure you all know I'm not fully open about this so can we talk something else??" I asked and they smiled

"Of course... So today we are going shopping for the wedding so hurry up and meet us down here in 20 you'll get your coffee in the car" Carlos said and I smiled nodding as I made my way upstairs

Quickly doing my morning routine I bounced out of the room going downstairs and they all smiled looking at me

I was in three quarter blue jeans and a white shirt.... The boys don't wear casual clothes outside the house that I know they're just used to tuxedos and Luisa has her leather stuffs on yeah I know but in the outside world I want to portray myself as an innocent girl and dressing says it all

"Let's move it" I said and smiled when Alejandro opened the coffee for me and we all went in the limo goodness I love coffee

"So this is the most exclusive expensive wedding shop in the city and we wanted to find your wedding dress before anything else" Alexander said and I smiled

"thanks... And by the way Alex" I called "yeah" he answered and I smiled

"If my kid will hang out with anyone then it will be you" I said and he smiled widely "I knew it" he laughed  and after like 20 minutes we were there

Getting out of the limo peoples instantly start respecting you but for us... Well we are the 8 Hernandez siblings and as we arrive people start respecting by themselves but what's more fascinating is that Adriano himself had that affect imagine the explosion him and his brothers could have caused

Realising this is going to be a long say I tied my hair up in a bun and i smirked cause they always want me to walk first and I froze when we were at the door of the shop... Adriano was in a tux looking himself in the mirror and I swallowed hard stretching my arms

"Guys move back slowly don't say anything" I said and they all nodded

"Hey guys look it's Adriano!!!! Adriano hey!!!" Andrea basically screamed running to him and I groaned fuck andrea is the stupid one out of all my brothers


Another update lovies

Thanks for the reads

Love ya

"Uuuh so that's why huh??" Luisa teased

the mafia queen #2 Where stories live. Discover now