18 : sin for him

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Katerina's POV

"Dad!!! You're here!! When did you come back??!" I asked softly and he smiled widely "you didn't think I was going to kiss my daughters wedding did you??" He asked and I smiled 

"Goodness dad I missed you so much" I said hugging him and he smiled kissing my forehead and the Guy's came popping in 

"Nice to meet you Mr Hernandez" Adriano said and he smiled shaking Adriano's hand

"the pleasure is all mime" he said and Luisa came in by now she had stitched Lorenzo's face and she smiled widely 

"What happened to the cute ones face??" Dad asked and I looked at Adriano

"dad mafia king kicked his butt for touching me" I giggled and dad chuckled "I'm impressed Mr Ferrari" he said and I smiled when I saw that smirk on his face 

"Lorenzo and I are going home I know he the one who receives most punches from you but bro today was too much" Ricardo said walking out and I smiled 

"So you have the wedding dress??" Dad asked and I nodded "mafia king bought it for me" I said and Adriano pulled me to him from dad and dad smiled he seemed happy I got someone like him when they all weren't looking he pulled me away from him

"So when are you planning on having me deep inside you again??" He whispered in my ears kissing my neck and I smiled

"Mr Ferrari we don't talk about such things... There one of the unspoken things" I said and he smiled widely

"Then get ready Mrs Ferrari to talk about this all the time... You think the second time we do it I'm gonna go easy on you??I'll make sure I savour each and every inch of this your body...

Don't worry princess you will be begging me to touch you... You like it when I touch you mm princess?" He asked and I shut my eyes fuck how can I say sinful things like that

Pecking my neck I shuddered in need and he smirked to himself "you like when I touch you ain't that right princess??" He asked and I nodded 

"Yeah" I said trembling as I could feel my own arousal forming due to the sexual need

"i was just thinking... As of right now you can barely stand by yourself this wall is helping you to it... So how would you feel if I finger you in this state??" as if sensing it his hand rose my skirt up and his fingers started rubbing my soaked panties and he groaned

"You like that baby girl??" He asked and I nodded "yes daddy" I moaned out softly and he chucked plugging a finger in me and I hid my face on his neck trying to stiffen up the moans and he chuckled 

'How do u feel Mrs me.... Being a slut for me while your father and your sibling are right next door to us??" He asked pounding the finger in me

I moaned trying my best not to be loud and he chucked sucking on my neck as if that will help although I'm sure it wasn't meant to

Actually knowing that someone might walk in on us added to the pressure I felt. Inserting another one it automatically slid into my wet folds causing me to moan for him 

"You making me sound like a bad girl" I thought

  "yes Kate your a bad girl for daddy and daddy only look at you being a slut for me" he said and I moaned  did I say that out loud??" 

"Your so tight baby...fuck your clenching on my fingers like a good slut you are" he said as he twisted his finger in me and I bit on his suit jacket I can't moan not right now I'm way too close if I do its going to be loud 

" I'm close.." I moaned and he smirked "I know baby I know..." He said and I moaned out when his thumb touched my clit

"Fuck my fingers love it here" he said getting on his knees and I moaned

" what... What are you doing??" I asked as softly as I could and  and he chuckled "you didn't think I'll let your cum go to waste did you??" He asked and I moaned as he pressed harder on my clit and I moaned fuck 

"I can..can't hold it in daddy!!" I moaned and he smirked "cum baby girl" he said lifting my leg up and his mouth landed on my woman and I came in his waiting mouth and he groaned as he devoured and sucked on my liquids harshly in have no idea how he feels like when I am cuming in his mouth

Just as I finished he kissed my inner thighs and stood up fixing himself and I looked at him my eyes having that seductive look and he smirked looking at me 

"I know Mr Ferrari .... I know now ..... Your relentless  you fucked me a few hours ago and now you still wanted more... You made me feel so good... I can barely function without you " I said and he smirked kissing my cheeks 

"I can barely function tonight... All m thinking about is you mrs Ferrari" he said and I smiled when he kissed me on the cheeks holding my hands and just then the door opened revealing Alessandro

"even Sophie and I aren't that freaky" he commented and I smiled pulling back from Adriano goodness this was a good timing


Another update guyss

Thanks for the reads 

Love ya 

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