16: love him

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*Luisa's POV*

I just came back home from meeting my husband Akihiko and he was telling me that I should go home right after the wedding and I was honestly happy about it I have to head to Kate's room and check up on her

Walking to the room I smiled to myself and stopped on my tracks seeing the door closed "why is the door closed" I asked the passing maid and she smiled "madame Mr Ferrari was here a few hours ago he must have closed it after he left" she said and I smiled

"Was he looking okay?" I asked and she smiled "uum not exactly madame his jaw was clenched and his hands into fits but he wouldn't hurt madame Kate would he??" She asked and I groaned fuck what the hell was I thinking going to provoke the mafia king... The FUCKING BOSS

Opening the door to the room I gasped at the cute site in front of me... Adriano had her in his arms while sleeping and she was laying on his chest sleeping peacefully as she hugged his torso causing me to smile widely he was shirtless and damnn they looked so hot

Closing the door I smiled to myself "what happened madame?" She asked and i laughed "let's just say the king and queen need to have their privacy for now... Tell someone to inform me when he is leaving" I said and she smiled "okay madame" she bowed and left

"Carlos heyy uh... Where are the boys??" I asked and he chuckled "they should be around here why?? What happened??" He asked and i smiledwell.... Let's just say they will love to hear this" I said and he quickly called them "so Alex... Your sister is with her future husband right now sleeping like cute children" I said and they all stood up smiling "are you serious??" Alejandro asked and I smiled looking at him "yes... They look so good together.." I said and Luis came and hugged me

"I know what you did baby.... I'm so proud of you " he said and I smiled at him "yeah me too.... She is finally peaceful after long hard weeks" I said and they all smiled "I called in the Ferrari brothers to come see us today so we are having them for tonight" I said and the guys chuckled

"You just seem so smart today Mrs Japanese mafia Donna" Carlos said and I smiled widely "because I met my hubby and he gave me sum sugar" I said and they all chuckled

*Kate's POV*

I snuggled to my side and gasped seeing there was nothing.... But... Mafia king.... He was here.... Wasn't he?? He went somewhere.... But where??? Did he leave after literally fucking the living shit out of me and not looking back??

Was I hallucinating maybe??

As I stepped out of the sheets I winced as my in betweens were sore ooh fuck!!! The memories of everything suddenly playing out in my head... Goodness ... He fucked me good

I winced to the bathroom relaxing my muscles in the shower and I quickly made my way in my closet choosing the clothes and quickly put them on

Walking downstairs with the wincing I head a lot of deep chuckles and I was curious to find out where they were coming from...?

"Matteo??" I asked my mouth dropping wide open and all of them looked at me shocked but that Lorenzo guy came and carried me leaving me down on the chairs and when my eyes trailed up they met exactly with Adriano's and I could see through them they were full of need and desire the way he fingered me when I was making eye contact... The sexy beast

he smirked at me before kissing my forehead and I smiled looking at him I know its the first time I have been here since the kidnapping but I had to come to make sure adriano did the right choice of a woman and that he don't regret anything

"easy there wifey take it slow okay you havent been down here so dont force it you will be fine" he said and leaned to my ear

"and you had 9 inches in you pounding the hell out of you I wouldnt suggest all this movement's your desparate body wants some time to heal" he said and I am sure I was here not paying attention


love ya guys

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