26: surprise

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Andre was busy in the office with adriano when I divided I would go and give them a visit

"Mr Ferrari... Andre you guys need to eat"I said rubbing my belle and adriano came and started helping me with the motions

"Do you regret this between us?"he asked and i chuckled

"obviously not but you will if you and Andre don't get your asses down at the dining table at th..." I trailed off when a pop sound came from my lower parts to a liquid coming down from my legs

"Uh... aunt Kate... did you just pee?" Andre asked and I was frozen in my spot

"Andre... out now" Adriano groaned and Andre ran out and he came to me as I was almost in tears now

"Baby... baby don't cry it's normal... more over your due date is next week these things are normal.. change and I'll get this cleaned up...I..don't feel..."he trailed off when I slapped him hard

"I didn't make a mess smart guy... my water broke" I said and when realisation hit his eyes he groaned taking out his phone

"Sophie... it's time "he groaned and threw his phone carrying me to the sick room in the house and the nurses were already waiting to help me out

There was a complication... the baby was too big and they had to do a scissor for them to take the baby out of me

Adriano and Sophie who were next to me were so scared... you could see the fear lanced through their eyes as the doctors did the operation


As soon as I heard the cry I drifted off to a deep slumber and I heard faint sounds


I woke up to a dim light and when I did adriano was busy holding a baby on his hands feeding the baby with a bottle and when he noticed me he rushed to the side screaming for a doctor

"Wow... how long was I out?"I asked and adriano shook his head touching my hand

"Two days"he said and I looked at him and gave him a smile he is so sweet

"Mafia queen how do you feel?" He asked and i smiled

"Strangely enough doctor I feel as good as a virgin" I said and she smiled before coming to examine me and my body and I smiled softly

"Wow... strange...take this, so far your vitals seem normal so if you take this and read the instructions you should be as good as a virgin in a day or two"the doctor said and I giggled

Adriano handed me the baby and kissed my forehead

"It's a boy... I named him Luciano" he said and I smiled softly "I would have preferred martinello but...that's for the next Ferrari "I sais and he groaned

"You see baby... that makes me want to badly put one inside you right now" he said and that's when the guys popped up

"Awwes mafia queen who knew you'd still look sexy even after giving birth.. I'm available "Lorenzo said and adriano groaned looking at him and he lifted his hands up

"Sophie stay with her and help her out ... the boys and I have something to figure out .... call Russo "he motioning to matteo and he slowly came and kissed me and went away

"Let's get you freshened up... hand the little bad boy over to me" Sophie said and I smiled as she helped me

My sister in law is my second sister

Heheh another update

Thanks for reading

Love you😘🥰😍

the mafia queen #2 Where stories live. Discover now