9: Caged

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Katerina's POV

"Heyy guyyys I'm back" I said and they all smiled hugging me "well well look who's back and with more marks around her neck??" Luisa mocked and Luis groaned

"You shout up and feed the baby" Luis groaned and I frowned I know these two can fight over simple issues but right now Luisa has her son in her arms and she won't make the mistake of dropping the poor boy down

"Okay so Adriano is the fucker who keep giving you the marks or what??" Sergio asked casually and I frowned "why are you guys asking me that??" I asked and they chuckled "uuum because you're our little sister and we like knowing what is going on in your life" area said and I smiled "so you fuckers admit that you do stalk me and that you disturb my personal life??" I asked and Andrea nodded while the rest were shaking their heads

"Yes in fact when you are not here we ask each other what the fuck you must be doing" he said and Luisa groaned "guys language the baby is right here" Louisa said pointing at the baby and Luis groaned "just go away with that your child stop disturbing us" Louis said and she groaned punching his arm "fucker" she mumbled turned and Luis groaned

"What the fuck did you just call me??" Luis asked and she laughed "nothing mother fucker focus" she said and he groaned

"You surely going to regret that you mother fucking slut bitch" he said and I smiled as he started chasing her upstairs mmmh twin drama

"Let's talk seriously now as the mafia queen I demand that you guys give me my privacy and that's an order... Leave me alone and you should respect the fact that maybe Adriano can protect me now when we are out... I know you guys were following us up after dealing with the scotts... You only left when Adam took me to his penthouses and that too secured in his apartment for god sakes I'm a grown up woman.. I'm not a kid anymore that's not fair.." I said and they laughed

"What's so funny?" I asked and Sergio chuckled "the fact that you think you can order us around because you are the mafia queen and what makes you so sure that it was us calling??" He asked and I smiled

"Missed calls.. All of them at 10:30 which happened to be the time when the store got attacked by the idiotic brothers who said they wanted an "an exciting first time enquiry" as you may call it" I said and Carlos exhaled

"Oh the guys who attacked the coffee shop and then you shot one with the knife then they all came and you started talking to them and then you sat on Adriano and stuff....??" Andrea asked and I looked at them "you see what I'm talking bout???" I asked and Alexander laughed a bit

"Honestly Kate we need you to understand that its our job to protect you and if have to act like bodyguards then yess we will do it... We love you Katie... and we going to keep loving you and protecting you weather you like it or not" Alejandro said and i smiled literally out of the 6 of the brothers Sergihas the most sexist smile

"See that's what I mean I appreciate the love you show to me really I do but even then I need time.. Time ....alone ..... You  Sergio are already in so much trouble....." I said and I smiled widely

"This is the time I am forced to act like a Queen and say she want you guys to give her space... I mean come on... I get feelings... I feel these things which make me sad and upset sometimes that even after proving myself over and over again you still treat me like a child so I give up... If I change my !Ind you guys won't even be able to look at me" i said and Sergio stood up coming towards me

"This sis you Kate and you will understand why we did what we do?.... What if we set some rules first about the privacy thing" he said putting strands of my hair behind !y ear and I smiled widely

" please do guys it makes me so uncomfortable at times" I said and he hugged me "so how about we don't follow you when you're out with mafia king??" He asked and I smiled widely

"Okay sure... That can work and you shouldn't follow me at practice either" I said and Andrea chuckled

"Why??? What do you do when you're practicing??" Alejandro asked and I laughed "nothing.... I just like my privacy when I'm killing people okay" I said and he chuckled

"Of course" I smiled widely hugging him and he chuckled

"calm down princess get upstairs and you have to have change and meet me at practice so that i can know want to train you more on And how you can kick Sergio's butt"he said and I smiled bouncing upstairs

Walking upstairs I smiled going to take a shower and I smiled widely choosing what I'm going to wear... Looking at the mirror I smiled widely at the marks around my neck duck this time they feel so real and so fucking nice on my body its like they were meant to be there

" Mr Adriano Ferrari I'll surely give you marks as revenge the tease goes both ways I will surely show you what a woman like me can do daddy" I said to myself smiling as I took my sports bras and joggers tossing them on my body

Yess now I'm going down stairs to kick my siblings butts because they underestimate me and the fact that I am so pissed off right now I'll make me destroy them today

Fuck. I'm so upset at their attitudes its so annoying ayy


Another update guys

Thanks for the reads

Love ya

the mafia queen #2 Where stories live. Discover now