15: healing sex (18+)

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*Katerina's POV*

I was on the bed watching the movie Luisa put for me it was a romantic movie with Adam Sandler and I was busy there staring blankly at the TV as he tried charming his fiancee

the door opened revealing Adriano something in me felt very relieved to see him but then I was reminded bout my body taking the covers I quickly covered myself the doctor took out the bandages two days ago now I just have bruises all over

"Mafia king.... You're here??" I asked and he chuckled coming to sit next to me on the bed "of course I had to see my woman" he said and I looked at him shocked

"I..... You...." I trailed off when he touched my cheek "I don't appreciate what you did just now" he said his voice sending chills down my spine

I looked at him when his eyes made contact with mines a smirk formed on his lips causing me to stare down at them oh goooddd kiss me Mafia king

"What.... What did I do??" I asked and he chuckled "covering that toxic body if yours away from me" he said and I looked down

"there are ugly.... Adriano you won't bear to..." I trailed off a cry escaping my lips as he tossed the cover away from me that didn't stop him

He looked hungrily at me and stripped the nightgown in half

"pl....ple. Pleas.... You don't have to say it.... I know.... Leave ..." I trailed off when he kissed the bruise which was under my neck causing me to melt under his touch fuck I missed his touch on me

"You're beautiful Kate... Fuck this state is making it so hard for me not to fuck you" he said his voice muffled on my neck causing me to quiver

"These scars don't make you weak Kate they show how strong you are... You're a survivor.... My future wife.." He said and smashed his lips on mines causing me to moan out responding to him as he kissed me roughly not giving me a chance to protest

he pulled me to him through my hair his kiss desperate and I moaned softly so that he couldn't hear me and he chuckled stripping the bra away from me and I gasped a familiar feeling coming to me as he touched on my breast

"So perfect" he mumbled and I smiled wow haven't done that in a while

"submit to me will you Kate... Trust me with your body... I wouldn't hurt you" he said stopping between each sentence to kiss my neck and I smiled

"O...okay" I said loosening my body and I squirmed when he engulfed my nipple in his mouth

"seems like I will fuck you today Mrs Ferrari" he said and that sentence itself made me melt down oh goodness where did I get this man from???

"I'm sorry baby I know u missed my touch.." He said trailing his hand to my centre causing me to touch his suit jacket "don't..." I trailed off when he chuckled

" wow you're already dripping baby...let me take care of that baby" he said and I bit my lips as he yanked my undies aside and slid a finger into my wetness causing him to smirk

"So sexy..." He said through his teeth as he looked at me and my crazy ass made that eye contact with him and he added another finger not breaking it clearly he doesn't want me to look away thrusting those fingers roughly and faster I started moaning and a happy smirk appeared on his face honestly this was too intimate even for me

"Yes baby moan for me... Gods I fucking missed your moans" he said thrusting his fingers harder in my core and I clenched

"you're so wet and u even clenching on me ...come on baby cum for me" he commanded and the release washed over me strongly as I did all over his fingers and he smirked licking them clean and I looked at him

"Fuck for a second there I thought u forgot how to moan" he said "never" I said and looked at his dark features shocked as he started stripping out of his clothes

"no..." I trailed off hearing a laughter erupt from his lips

"don't worry baby I won't hurt you I will be very gentle with you" he said kissing my cheeks and my eyes trailed down to his tent which my goodness.... I could clearly see how big he was

that woke up a beast in me as I felt a craving in my centre as I keep telling myself im his queen before I could do anything he trailed wet and sloppy kissed on my thighs forcusing on the scars and afterwards the one on my bekke and I looked down at him I was so needy now and he knew that

"pl....please fuck me....!!" i screamed and he chuckled stripping his boxers and started teasing my whole wiith his tip causing me to moan loudly

"Mr daddddyyyy.... oh fuck daddy... why are you... ahhhh .... ooohhh" I moaned out when he entred me almost at once hitting a spot snd my whole body trembled fuck it hurted but that spot was so fucking sensitive he waited a bit and i looked at him

"thank you... please fuck me" I moaned when he.started thrusting into me "so tight" he complemented and started sucking on my neck and I moaned he was thrusting in slowly but harder casung my legs to jerk out on know good it felt and i felt fantasic by the complements but godd his size

"d... I can feel you in my ribs..." I moaned as I was about to cum and he slowed down

"m close baby" he whispered and I nodded "yess daddy me too!!" i moaned and that made him go faster and harder in me

"fuck baby.... cum with daddy... come with me!!!" he groaned and I moaned as we bith did and I passed out when he pulled away from me placing small kisses on my face


another update

thank you

love. ya guyss

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