13: Captive

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Scene from my mafia boss

Sofia's POV

was told to go leave food downstairs because apparently they kidnapped some girl I was going inside the cell to give food and the girl was in chains being in the dark couldn't see properly but that long hair... It looked so fucking familiar

"Here is your food" I said going closer and I gasped "Kate??? You what.... What are you doing here???" I asked and she groaned "my best friend kidnapped me what else.." She answered casually then her eyes sprang open her brown eyes in shock

"You...!!! You are alive??? Wait... You're Sophie right... You know me .." She said and I smiled widely hugging her "I was worried you wouldn't recognise me... But how did this...eh.." I asked and she groaned "Sophie so far I know you are the worlds most dangerous unarmed woman why... Why are you still here??" She asked and I chuckled

"Because it's not just me anymore... Its the three of us... Me and my two boys" I said and she gasped "so... You're telling me that you were pregnant when you died... Wait you got kidnapped... So who kidnapped you wait you're here with Justin meaning he kidnapped you... But why would Justin kidnap you??" She was so confused and I smiled

"Hey calm down Kate...... I'll explain everything listen here" so I told her the whole story and she nodded "don't worry we won't be here for long the guys will find us... " she said and I smiled "now shusha and eat something" I said taking pierces of food feeding her and she smiled

"You are like a big sister to me Sophie" she said and I smiled widely "thanks but why say so??" I asked and she smiled widely "because this is not the first time you taking care of me" she said and i smiled even more widely

I heard footprints and chuckles from upstairs just when kate took the last bite and I quickly replaced the plates I had in my hands with a full plate standing up and Justin found me on my way outside

End of the scene*****

Katerina's POV

"Justin you tied me up in chains? I thought you were my best friend jus... What happened??" I asked and before he could answer a man from his early fifty's came in and I looked up 

"Justin's dad?" I asked and he chuckled "mafia queen I have a proposal for you.... You marry my son and he becomes the mafia king and will trade with your release" he said and I smiled "you're really pathetic Wilson I thought staying long in this world will help but look at yourself a proper definition of useless" I said and he groaned touching my chin with his artificial hand and I swallowed hard

1st when did he get an artificial hand
2nd when did he get the bruises on his face and
3rdly why is he so fucking scary???

Fuck the man scaring the mafia queen

"Where did you get all that??" I asked and he groaned playing with his knife

"Your so called future in law's" he said and I chuckled "you can't separate me and Adriano that's balls you should really think bout how Mafia peoples will treat you once they find out you kidnapped their queen... And think about it Justin and I have never had romantic feelings towards each other it will be weird" I said and he laughed

"Let's see how your Adriano will love you with these okay" he said and before I knew what he was thinking moved the knife on my thigh and I groaned out in pain as I was bleeding out

"You rejecting my son?? Let's see how mafia king rejects when he sees you in this state.... Bruises all ugly and everything" he said slaying on the other side and he groaned out again in satisfaction

"Its not really difficult if the mafia king rejects you by himself for looking like this I'm sure one of these days the boys to kill him and you know what I won't even try to stop him ayy these days a man wants woman who's perfect" he said coming close to my face and I spat on him and he groaned and slapped me so tight

"Fuck you little...." He was about to hit me again when Justin touched his hand

"She's the queen show respect" he mumbled his teeth grinted and I looked at him then even thou is having problems he still helping me??? I didn't get him

"You know father this behaviour of yours will get us kicked out from the mafia list take him up and makes sure he calms down" he commanded the boys outside the boys outside came in and took his dad and went with him

When they went I winced in pain I hate to admit though but "they were hurting me too when I got confused for someone else... I will tell Sofia to come and treat you wound nicely" he said and I smiled he was being considerate

"Thank you so much has I hope you manage to keep that down... Thanks Justin you're really my friend and you know I definitely love you the most" I said and he hugged me "welcome" he saidn

"I'm sorry I can't help much but you know I can't untie you... Knowing you you'll run from my custody today sooner or later and it will be sooner if I let you loose it won't take a minute for you to get out of here" he said and I looked at him "yeah I know that" I said and he smiled going out

So I have a problem now Justin's dad was right... Adriano can never love a woman like me

And with the bruises

Another update guys

Thanks for reading

Love ya💙💋

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