Did you just call me love

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"M, let me see your arms." Josh demanded.


"Maxine, it's 90 fucking degrees out and you're in a sweatshirt! Let me see your arms! Please!" he begged, looking me in the eyes fearfully. I flinched when he raised his voice. I heard him sigh and mutter an apology. He knows I can't handle people yelling at me and I knoiw he was just making sure I'm safe. I pulled up my sleeves to show him nothing's there and heard him sigh with relief.

"I'm in a sweatshirt because I have to do laundry and I don't like wearing crop tops as much as people think I do, J. I promise." I said softly. He nodded and grabbed my hand.

"Since you asked me something, I get to ask you something. But first, I'm not eating because of things kids say to me at school. I'll startv eating more. I promise."

"Okay. What did you wanna ask?"

I took a deep breath and looked down. "Why'd you stay last night? You were supposed to leave."

I heard him sigh as we stopped at a redlight.

"You don't remember?"

"Remember what?"

"Love, you started screaminng and scared Cole so he woke you up. The first thing you said was 'Where's Josh?' so he called me and had me go back over to help calm you down. I was gonna sleep in the chair so that I could make sure you were okay and they didn't have to worry but you grabbed my wrist so I wouldn't go anywhere and 'nothing could happen to me'." Josh explaiened gently. I must have been too tired or blocked it out cause I don't remember any of it.

"First of all, I am so sorry I caused all that. Second, did you just call me 'love'?" I said the last bit with a smirk thinking he would say no. Instead he nodded his head boldly, causing me to blush. We just listened to the radio and sung along the rest of the way to the house and laughed when we messed up.

As soon as we got to the house, I saw my brother and Maria in the yard with the twins. I jumped out of the truck and ran to the porch. I sat on the stairs and waited on Josh. There's one more place I want to go before the day is over.

"Joshhhh! Can we pretty please go to your houseeee?? I wanna see your mom and meet your brother!" I pleaded. He froze.

"M.. you know I d0on't live in the best area.." Josh said, sounding clearly embarrassed.

"I know but you know I won't judge! I've been there before!" I said. He nodded and we got back in the car and drove out to his neighborhood.

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