Beach house

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When we got to the beach house, we all ditched our bag at the door and raced for the attic. The boys beat us there so naturally they got the attic bedroom. That meant us girls got stuck with the basement bedroom. The reason for not having any other bedrooms is we used them all for different things.

When we all finished unpacking, I went outside. It was raining but I hated being inside. I feel trapped. So I stayed out in the rain in my climbing tree. The rain felt nice anyways.

"Well this is supercalifragilisticexpialidosous." I heard right before I felt the tree branch shake. I looked to my left to see Cole smiling at me. He always used to come see me when he felt it was going to start thundering. I'm scared of thunder and loud noises so he would comfort me.

I smiled and jumped out of the tree since I was on a low branch. I hugged him and closed my eyes knowing I was safe with my brother.

"Why are you out here, C?" I asked after a few minutes of silence.

"I wanted to check on you: you've been out here for a while. Is everything okay?"

"Everything is fine right now. I'm just thinking about mom. I wonder if she really is watching." I sighed.

He moved and looked at me. I couldn't tell if it was rain or if he was crying. I'm sure he was in the same boat.

"She loves you, sis. She'll always be happy she had you and can still watch over you. I love you." he smiled.

I smiled back. "I love you too, bro."

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