Three months

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                                     As soon as he left, I jumped out of the truck and raced to my brothers side. I was scared I lost him already. I put my head on his chest and was thankful to find he was still breathing and had a strong heartbeat. I leaned back on my heels and moved his head into my lap until EMS got there.

                                     Josh had to come and pull me away from Cole so the EMT's could do their thing. And when he did, I sat there crying against his shoulder on my front porch step.

                                     It felt like hours went by while I was sat in the waiting room of Belleview Hospital. I had told everyone else to stay at home and that I would go by myself. I didn't want our siblings to see their big brother all hooked up to machines in a hospital bed and they needed people to watch them.

                                     Doctors kept coming to update me and to ask questions. They finally stopped once he was consious and I was allowed to go see him.

                                     When I got there, a doctor was already explaining his condition. He turned to look at me as I entered the room and took a seat in the chair next to Coles bed.

                                     "Hello. I'm Dr. Chris but you guys can just call me Chris. I was just explaining to your brother here that he has a few broken ribs and may suffer from migraines for a while due to acute head trauma. You were very brave in rushing to your brothers aid when he collapsed. You did good."

                                     I nodded and shook his hand. "Thank you for informing me, Chris. I'm Maxine." I said, attempting to give him a small smile. From the sad expression on his face, I could tell it looked wrong.

                                     "Maxine, we will be needed to be in contact with everyone who witnessed what happened to your brother. He explained to us the best he could but we will need more witness statements just to be sure his memory is correct and to obtain any details he may have missed."

                                     "Of course. That's fine. We can do that whenever. Could you by any chance tell me how long Cole will have to be here? I want to be able to plan accordingly to chores, events, and things like that. He's a big help around the house with everything."

                                      "He'll have to be here for at least three months." he sighed.

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