I promise

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                                                          I rubbed her back until her sobs quieted down and she said she was okay to walk with me to find Cole.

                                                          We walked around for a few minutes inside before we gave up.

                                                          "I'm just gonna call Cole, okay? It'll make it easier to find him."

                                                          Maria nodded and I grabbed my phone to call him. He told us he was out front by the cars. I held Maria's hand tighter and helped her move around people and get out the door.

                                                          When he saw us, Cole ran over and took Maria in his arms.

                                                         "What happened?" he asked

                                                         "There's just a lot of people and she's overwhelmed. Calm her down. I'm gonna go find Josh. We'll figure everything out once we're all out here." I said, turning and going back inside.

                                                         I found him still asleep in the corner where we had been before I went outside. I gently woke him up and told him we were gonna go outside. He got up confused but followed me anyways.

                                                         As soon as Josh saw Maria, he asked what happened. I explained it to him and saw sadness cross over his face. She meant a lot to him. They basically grew up together because he knew her brothers. Maria was his sister and, even though he tried not to show it, I could see his heart break after knowing what happened.

                                                        Maria's older brothers came outside to sit on the front porch. When they saw us though, they came over and asked if she was okay. She nodded and told them she was just having a little of anxiety from all the people. They asked her if she wanted to go and she said she didn't want but she knew that would probably be best.

                                                        We watched them leave until their car was down the street and out of sight.

                                                        Josh checked the time and said he should be getting home to Tanisha and Elias soon so we took him home. We stayed for about a half hour so Cole could say hi to Mrs. Brown and I could spend some time with little Elias. When we left, Elias was babbling and Tanisha was getting him ready for bed.

                                                       Josh walked us out to the truck. After saying saying bye and multiple hugs from Josh's mom, we were finally on our way to relieve the elderly neighbor from the twins. She had watched us until mom passed. After that, dad had decided we were old enough to be left alone with our younger siblings.

                                                       We thanked Mrs. Rosa-Mendes on her way out. We had urged her stay a few minutes for dinner but she said her grandkids were gonna be coming over tomorrow and she still had some shopping to do before then. So, I made dinner while Cole went and checked on the kids and told them we were home.

                                                       Not even 5 minutes later, I heard two sets of fast feet come running downstairs and into the kitchen. I turned just in time to almost be knocked over by two small kids running into me. I laughed and hugged them, kissing their cheeks.

                                                       I finished the sandwiches I was making for the four of us and put them on the island. The twins told us all about their days after they came home from my graduation and showed us all the drawings they made.

                                                       When we all had finished eating and talking, Cole and I went and took our showers. Mrs. Rosa-Mendes had already made sure the twins were showered so we had out them to bed after dinner.

                                                       I was reading Binding 13 when my phone went off. I finished the chapter before picking up my phone and seeing a text from Josh.

Don't forget to sleep, hun. You had a busy day <3 -J

I don't wanna go to bed, J.. -M

Bad dreams again? -J

Worse than they were before.. -M

*incoming call*

                                                        I picked up the phone and asked him why he called.

                                                       "If you're gonna stay up, you're not doing it alone. I'm here with you. Now, what do you wanna talk about? Read anything interesting lately?"

                                                       And so I told him all about Binding 13 for an hour or so before I was tired enough to go to sleep.

                                                       "Are you gonna stay if I fall asleep..?" I asked softly, scared he'd say he couldn't.

                                                       "I'll stay until my phone dies since my mom has the charger. I promise."

                                                       Those were the last words before I fell asleep.

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