The park

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                                 We helped the boys clean up the messes they had made around the kitchen. Maria and I finished making food and told the boys to go take showers before breakfast.

                                 When we got close to finishing up, Maria told me to go wake up the twins from the living room. I walked in to the living room and saw them both curled up on the couch. I shook them both awake and told them food was almost done, asking if they could set the table. They groggily got up and set the table while Maria finished the food and I went to make sure the boys were done showering.

                                 Once everyone was fed, Cole and Josh cleaned up from breakfast while the rest of us went and got dressed. Angel put on a little baby pink dress, Jax had on shorts and a tank top, Maria had dressed herself in a baggy blue t-shirt with high waisted black shorts, and I wore a black sweat set. Cole and Maria wanted to go to a teen fest so Josh and I took my younger siblings to the park.

                                 All four of us walked in holding hands and laughing. Jaxson wanted to go to the swings but Angel wanted to play on the monkey bars. Josh ended up taking Angel and I took my brother.

                                 About half an hour later, I took Jax and we went to meet up with Angel and Josh. We decided to walk the paths in the park and then go back to the house.

                                We were about to go on the second park path when an older lady and her mom stopped us.

                                "I'm sorry. I just wanted to ask you guys something." the younger woman of the two said in a sickly sweet voice.

                                "Please don't, Abby.." her mother begged.

                                "Oh no. Y'all are fine, ma'am. We don't mind answering questions as long as we can help someone out." Josh smiled warmly.

                                "I just wanted to know, don't you two think you're a bit young to be having kids? I mean- they don't even look like you," she motioned to Josh, "which means she probably went out and cheated on you and told you the kids are yours anyway."

                                Josh raised his eyebrows in surprise as the older woman started reprimanding her daughter for being so disrespectful towards us.

                               "Abby? You said that was your name?" I asked. She nodded so I continued. "Do you ask that to every family? And are you always so disrespectful and presumptuous? And why? And do you like being asked questions that are rude and arrogant by someone you don't know? 'Cause I could sure as hell keep going."

                              "I only ask that question to teens with kids. You're stupid for having kids at your age."

                              "Oh? Really? Did you know you're actually wrong? The prime age for having healthy kids is between 18 and 22. And did you take into consideration how old I am compared to the kids? I was 8 when they were born. Or the fact that maybe they don't look like their 'father' and only look like me because they're my siblings and not our kids?"

                              She looked taken aback that I had challenged her words. Especially in front other people. She stormed off in a fit of rage and her mom looked at us apologetically.

                              "I'm so sorry for going off on her for that, ma'am. I just hate when people do that to others. I do sincercely apologize though." I said.

                              "That's alright, peaches. She had it coming to her as much as I hate to say it. She's like with everyone and always has a smart remark to everything. I'm so very sorry for her behavior. And I know it probably won't mean much to you guys but I think the four of you would make a really cute family regardless." she smiled sympathetically.

                              "Oh that's quite okay, ma'am." Josh spoke up.

                              "I'm Mary." she reached out her hand and we all shook it as we introduced ourselves.

                              "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Mary." I beamed at her.

                              "Have a good day now, kids. I have to go find my daughter." she sighed. We all reciprocated her farewell and wished her luck with Abby.

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