Chapter 4

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When Hiccup had met with Vigo, he got nothing on where Y/n was. It had seemed Vigo was genuinely confused. It was made clear Vigo didn't know who Y/n was. Hiccup felt angry and confused about the situation at hand. The deal Vigo was proposing and Y/n's necklace. Neither made sense.

Hiccup prayed to the gods that Stoick had found Y/n while he and his group headed off to an island borderlining were Vigo wanted to stake his claim. One thing at a time. First things first, Vigo. Then Y/n. Hiccup would find her. He had too. Finding meant finding her family, and Liu.

Hiccup glanced to his team, a small frown edging. He didn't want to say anything about the necklace yet. He didn't want to give Astrid false hope or have the gang discourage his search. No, Hiccup had felt the need to keep it to himself. Just until there was more evidences of what happened outside of the horrid remains of battle.

■▪︎□▪︎■ Across The Ocean ■▪︎□▪︎■

Stoick stared at the vase ocean as Skullcrusher flew onwards. The council was watching the village in his absence. Stoick didn't tell anyone were he was really going. He'd rather not get Gothi or Gobber's hopes up with what Hiccup found. Stoick tried not to get his own hopes up.

Stoick look at the pendant and sighed. It felt so heavy in his hands. Y/n disappearance. Her brothers. Liu. All those people. Stoick shook his head and patted Skullcrusher's side. Stoick wanted answers.

"Come boy. Let's get this over with," Stoick whispered.

Skullcrusher let out a roar as he picked up the pace. It was a long while until Stoick found land. Skullcrusher landed heavily and shook himself before stretching his mighty wings. Stoick slid off and looked around.

"We'll make camp for today," Stoick instructed.

Skullcrusher, in response, rushed and rammed a tree. Rolling it over to Stoick, Skullcrusher rammed his head into the tree over and over again. Within seconds, the tree was splintered. Carefully Skullcrusher piled the wood. Stoick grinned and helped before stepping back so Skullcrusher could light it.

With a fire lit, Skullcrusher was quick to fly over the water before swooping down to gather fish. Eating, resting, and cleaning up, they were on their way again. This continued for three days, and Skullcrusher was growing frustrated. Stoick was growing frustrated. They were going in circles now. It was a large circle at first, but it grew tighter and tighter until they found a cluster of islands around one large island.

One large island with several smaller ones surrounding it. Seastacks and large wave crashing and rolling with the harsh winds. No boat could reach the center island. Stoick had noticed if there was natives here, they had docked their boats on the outer islands to avoid the rocks and harsh waves. There were long bridges connecting the smaller islands to the large one.

Landing on one of the smaller clustered islands, Stoick noted the sails had an odd tribal crest. A nightfury head with a raised fist print in the center of it's head. These boats didn't seem to be guarded either, which put Stoick on edge. It wasn't until Skullcrusher growled in frustration did Stoick tear his gaze from the sails.

Skullcrusher growled again and sniffed the air. The winds had carried the scent everywhere. There was no clear indication of where the person he was looking for was. It was frustrating. Stoick sighed and patted Skullcrusher as the sea sprayed his face now. Stoick was frustrated and very upset with not finding Y/n, but if he were to make his guess, this was where she was last.

No matter how long ago that was, Stoick couldn't be sure. If she were in trouble and ended up here to perish, it couldn't have been too terribly long ago. With this thought, Stoick turned and headed for the dense forested area. Maybe she was still here. Alive or not, Stoick hoped to find something. Even if it was just a body.

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