part 7

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What the hell?

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What the hell?

her talk with her dad was what she need at the moment. 

not having any long time with him she left prison and she go back at the house, as soon as she arrived she start working at her car, she once again left the phone in the house were she couldn't  hear it. 

working at her car made her relax. she just need one part for her car to be ready and go, but it was a job for tomorrow. for now? she just need to relax, something that make her relax except working at her car was showering. the past week was what she like to do the most. 

so when she was in the bathroom she fill the  bathtub with water, she slowly take off her clothes and putting them in the floor, she got into the bathtub with slow movements and closed her eyes, pushing all her thoughts out of her mind. after a while she felt that something was off, she opened her eyes to see what was going on, what she saw was water, water was floating above her head. after some seconds the water stop floating and fell down to her face like it just realized it wasn't suppose to do that. 

like any normal person would do she scream. she freaked out and she run out off the bathroom just grabbing a towel before going to her room quickly changing to her clothes. she sit at her bed trying to understand what the hell happened

the only question being; "what the hell happened to me?" 

she quickly got back to the bathroom to clean the water that was now on the floor. after  everything was clean she opened her phone and she saw that Oliver had call her.   She pressed the call bottom so she can call him back and after some bips she heard Oliver voice on the other line.
"Hay" he said her, he sound like he was out of breath and she realised that he was fighting, or he was just training but at any case Emma felt bad for calling him now.

"Hay, are you  busy?" She asked him.

On the other end Oliver was at his bat cave as Emma cald it and was training with  Diggle, the two mans stopped when they Heard Oliver's phone  ringing, they both smile when they saw that it was Emma. "No, I am with Diggle, how are you doing?" He asked her,  grabbing a towel so he can wipe his sweat.

"I'm good, you know just learn that something is happening to me" she casually said laughing as she left the house. She start walking at the street ready to go to the police station so she can talk with Barry.

"What do you mean by that" Oliver asked looking at Diggle but he looked just as confused.

Just then Emma's phone start ringing and she saw that it was Felicity calling her. "Felicity calling, i have to go i call you back." She said to him. At the other end of the line she could hear Oliver telling her to not hang up but she did it anyway.

So Felicity told her about her mather being in town.

"so the mather come the exact moment that Ray Palmer was in your home? God I'll pay to see that" she laughed at her 

"can you no laughed at me it was the most embarrassing moment in my life, he even give her his watch" Felicity said. Emma could hear her mather in the background yelling her name, once again Emma laughed 

"Okay i'm going to  hang up now good lock with that I have my own problems" she tells her. 

"NO, no please don't leave me" Felicity beg her. Emma laughed before pressing the button to hang up

She was out of the Police station ready to go in when once again her phone start ringing, it was Oliver but she chose to ignore it knowing that he wanted to ask about what she ment.

Now her only thought was to see her brother, after she and her father talk she thought that she could do it. She could talk to Barry without her loosing her temper and start yelling at him for no reason. She wanted to come here and be with her family for just a weekend but she end up staying in there for 10 months and she needed to go back at star city as soon as possible.

entering to the police station  she saw Joe in his desk writing something. 

"Joe! hey, is Barry here?" she asked him, sitting in his desk and getting a pencil in her hands

"Barry? yes, he's in his lab. everything okay?" he ask her gatting the pencil from her hands and placing it back at it's original place.

"well Iris told me that she is going to come from here so she can take me shopping, this going to be fun" she said sarcastic "do you thing she's going to go easier on me because I just wake  up from a coma?" Emma asked him, deed  down she knew that even if she just come back  to life Iris would make her go to every shop she could think of just to find a nice dress. 

Joe laughed at her with a shook of his head "we both know the answer to that" he told her with a small smile on his face.

"i'm going to see Barry, before Iris come to take me to my worst nightmare" she told him with a smile.

walking to Barry's lab a text from Oliver making her stop for a second, he was telling her to call him as soon as she can. He also told her that she can't just say stuff like that amd then just hung up. She ignored it not even bothering answering as she looked ahead 

she keep walking towards her brother to see him filling some peppers. "you know the only thing that I din't miss is the paperwork, i mean what's the point of it any way?" She told him, he looks up to see his sister  walking to him, giving her a smile he got from his chair, he gives her a questioning look as if he was asking her what she was doing there "Iris told me that she want to go shopping and I told her that I'll be here so she can come and take me" she told him taking his place in that chair.

barry was in the other side off the lab having his back turn on her. he looks back at her just to see her in his chair "well good lock with that when I wake up from the coma she forced me to go shopping with her and I was on foot for hours" he told her.

Emma sigh before looking back at her brother "so Barry I need to talk to you about something" she told him ready to talk to him about her leaving the city "you see I was with dad and we talk about stuff  and he told me stuff, and my point is-" before she could finish Iris come to the room 

" Okay I was thinking that instead of  going to 100 different places just to fint you something nice and a dress, we could do something  more easy, i mean you just wake up from a coma I don't want you to get tired."  she told her, Barry look at her 

"when you took  me for shopping we were shopping for hours and it was the second day I was awake" he told her with a look that was full of question

"well she love me more so I can see why" Emma told her brother before she walk out of the lab with Iris behind her.

And once again she run away from her problems, only this time she had to face it at some point, unless she was planning to leave in secret.

Words count:1348

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