part 11

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a new path 

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a new path 

That night she put Barry to sleep in her bed as she help Oliver to track Felicity and her mom, she wanted to be there so she could help but she couldn't so with the computer she had with her she try to find he, and thanks to Ray Palmer and his need to impress Felicity she was able to track her and help Oliver to save them.

And that was about it that day, Emma stay at the house the only time that she was out was when she was siting in the stair in front of the house with a cup of tea in her hand. At the middle of the night as she try to think.

She wanted to help her brother she promise to herself the night that her mother die that she was going to put her brother before everything. Before herself, she loved her brother, but she also love her old life, she had some problems yes, but who's life is perfect. Even before Oliver, before the Arrow, her life was so far from perfect, she had take her license for private detective so she could help people and especially Laura finding evidence without any legal problems, after that most of her time, at least the time she didn't spent at the company she spent it at the streets of the city trying to help put bad guys behind the bars, because after what happen to her mother she promise to herself that she was going to do what ever she could to no let innocent people go to prison for something they didn't do.

Her life was never perfect not after everything that happen to her and her family when she and her brother where at the age of 11. She make promises back then that now she is not sure if she can keep.

She would love to stay here and help Barry become the hero she always knew he would be. She was planning on going back at her old city, where she had so many memories of so many people.

But like every time, nothing goes as she was planning. The car crash make everything worse then she expected. The trip suppose to last for a weekend but it end up change her whole life.

So she just sit at the stairs and think about all that. Everything that has happen in a week. She has powers that she don't want, and now she has no choice but to stay in Central City, and while helping her brother to learn how to deal with being a hero she while try and train in secret with her own powers.

And after she is done she is going back, she is going to go and help Oliver with everything. She is going to go back at being just Emma Allen, the girl in the chair and some times in action.

All of her thoughts were interrupted when the door of the house open and Joe walk out of it with a small smile in his face and a cup of tea. She turn around and look at Joe who sit right next to her "so I take you didn't tell him about moving?" he asked her. Emma looked at him once again, her face fall in her feet in a few seconds.

A sigh was heard, "I want to go back, I told you, I have a good job there, here its only you guys and don't get me I love every single one of you and I would love to be here more often but I had a life, a home, my own house there" the same house she hasn't been in for at least a year, she thought "I, I just don't know, I want to stay and help I mean Barry he is my brother and I would be able to see my dad more often but it just feels wrong." She told him as she took a sip of the tea in her hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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