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How everything started part 1

How everything started part 1

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"Oliver Queen is alive. The starlight city resident was found by fisherman in the North Cina sea 5 days ago, 5 years after he was missing and presumed dead following the accident at the sea which claimed "the Queen's Gambit". Queen was regular tabloid presence and fixture at starlight city club scene. Shortly before his disappearance, he was acquitted of assault charges stemming from a highly publicized drunken altercation with paparazzi. Queen is the son of starlight city Robert Queen, who was also on board but now officially confirmed as deceased. "Said the anchorman

    Her eyes widened before she jump from the sofa and started running to her bedroom. She never knew the man but she knew someone who knew him. Her boyfriend. Tommy Merlyn.
   So she run to her bed that her still sleeping boyfriend was and started shaking him like crazy. The boy jumped from fear before his eyes met  her's. He saw her smile and he just knew that something happened. something good.

    He looked at his girlfriend and smiled at himself. He was ready to kiss her but she just pull away make him to look at her funy.

"I think you should call Thea or Moira." She just said before she left the room leaving a very  confused Tommy alone.

But he obey.

He called moira and he heard the best news in his life.

Oliver Queen was alive.

His best friend.

After hearing the news he did the only thing he could think of, he ask Moria if it was okay to go there for dinner with Emma. And how the woman could refuse? She yes. 

He wanted to introduce his girlfriend to his best friend, something that he never thought he could do. The thought that he was dead made him realise that if he ever got married he had no one to ask to be his best man.

So the thought of him being back make him really happy. Happier then usual.

So when the night come, Emma was forced to go to the Queen's house to eat and talk to them. Of course she didn't mind talking to them it was part of her job anyway, but she felt out off place with her be the only one who didn't even see Oliver Queen. The only think she knew about him was from Iris and Tommy  had told her but still it was wired.

"Everything is going to be okay. And let's be honest, you have met my father I think your going to survive meeting my best friend" he told her smiling.

   They where in front of the door and he could see  how she felt. Her eyes where going everywhere not staying at one place for more then seconds.  Her only response was a little smile she give him before nob at him. Even if he didn't believe her about being okay he knock at the door waiting like a five-year old boy for the cake at his birthday.

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