part 5

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Who you really are?


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fter she wake up from a coma everything was different and the same at the same time. She was confused. Her brother, friends and family they now were all different people. She herself was different, she just didn't know that wet.

  The past week she was feeling as a lab rat because of how many test Caitlin has done to her. She knew she did that for her but it still felt weird.

Emma was trying to avoid everyone and especially Barry. After the whole Snart think Barry have been trying to talk to her but as always Emma is trying to run from her problems... well to bad because Barry can run faster.

When Caitlin had done with the test she couldn't be happier, this whole time she wanted to go visit her father but she couldn't because she wanted to make sure she was a hundred percent okay.

  For a week now she didn't do the things she normally did before the car accident, she didn't run, she didn't train and she didn't have Oliver, Diggle or Felicity there to talk to.

  So when Caitlin had done, she found that as an opportunity to do all those things she couldn't, or at least most of them,  so the next  morning she woke up at 6:00 a.m. and go for a run, with no phone just her and her thoughts, she was trying to clear her mind.

she stop at the bitch and sit there watching the sun. She didn't really know what time was it until she saw someone and asked them. They told her that was 7:30 so she run back home.

Back at the house Barry and Joe was there worrying sick about her. For the past week Barry didn't know what to think, the way that she was holding the gun, it make him feel weird, and that she was trying to avoid him didn't make him feel any better.

Today, he had come proper, ready to talk to her either she like it or not. That didn't really matter because when he come to the house Emma was gone and her phone was in her room so as normal Barry and Joe had become paranoid about the whole situation.

They're in the living room pacing trying to think what to do, Joe is talking to Iris in case they're together but Iris was in Jitter and she haven't talk to her the whole morning.

Joe was ready to call the police. He knew that they couldn't do anything but he was worried. Before he could press the call bottom the front door was open and Emma was walking in like nothing had happened.

Joe and Barry looked at her in disbelief as she just sit at the sofa truning  the TV  on at the news, the past week she is trying to learn what exactly has she miss even if Oliver had told her that everything was okay and the only think she needs to do was relax.

"Where were you?" Barry asked her.

"Running" she just said not bothering to look at her brother.

"At 7:59?" he asked her not believing her "you're to lazy to go to the bathroom" she told her sitting next to her.

"Well your wrong" she told him turning off the TV so she can go back to her room.

Before he could say something the front door was once again open but this time was Iris who opened it.

"So I just talk to Eddie and today the four of us are going to drink and if you want you can always invite some of your friends, I just want for Emma to finally meet Eddie and get to know him" Iris said the moment she step in the house.

"No" Emma told her with no time to even think about it. She just want to stay inside and relax as much as she can. And with relax she ment to stay in and learn what happened all this time at star city so she can see what she can do to help.

"Well good thing I didn't ask you" Iris told her with  a sweet smile in her face. 

"Well good luck with that, I have to leave." Joe said going to the door. When he opens the door he turns around and looked at Barry   "Barry do you want a ride?" He asked him. Barry shook his head before he looks at Emma who was talking -more like fighting- with Iris.

When the door was closed Barry turn back to the scene just to see his sister finally giving up and agreeing to go with them.

After some planing -just Iris telling them what they will do- Iris had to go back at Jitters because her lunch break was over.

"Okay, that went well. I'm going to the bathroom to take a shower. See ya letter barthy" see told him.

Barthy was something she keeps calling him since they were kids, they really don't remember when she started but when she calls him Barry he knows he is in trouble or that something serious had happened. Even if he hate it when she calls him that it was the first time he had heard it in a lot of time and a weird as it sounds he like it.

"Wait I need to talk to you and I can't really wait"  he told her quickly getting her hand.

Emma turn to look at him. She knew what he wants, she's not stupid.  She nobs knowing that sooner or later he had to know the truth.

Barry led her to the kitchen. "Look I really don't know how to asked that but... Have you ever kill someone?" He asked her after a moment of silence.

Emma looked at him for a minute before she started laughing. "Are you Sirius?" She asked him "of course not" and it was true she never actually had kill someone "why do you think I'll kill someone, I mean okay my temper may not be the best but still I'll never kill someone" she told him looking at his eyes. It was something she did when she was telling the truth and everybody knows that.

it was the thing that make him sure she was telling the truth.

But she didn't exactly told him the whole truth, yes she never kill someone but she had threat a lot of people and she had shot someone... With an arrow, and a knife

word's count:1097

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