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"Mission gone wrong"

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"Mission gone wrong"

Nosocomephobia is an anxiety disorder that involves an intense, overwhelming fear of hospitals, Emma didn't really had that, but she didn't like them either.  You can't blame her, she was in a hospital most of her childhood, even if the reason was because she did stuff she wasn't supposed to do. 

being in the hospital wasn't the best thing Emma could be boing at the moment. Some people could think that being in the hospital after almost pass out was the right thing but Emma was never good with them.

being back there was the last thing she wanted but she knew that  if she didn't go now Tommy and Felicity would make her go. so now she was back at the hospital having her blood being taken from her. 

she was in a room waiting to see the results of the test, she new that it wasn't serious, she could feel it, so she didn't worry about anything. after some time Tommy was in the room too and he was speking non stop. he  keep asking her if she was okay and if she need some water, and like always her answer was, "i fine", and, "no i don't" but he keep asking not sure of what else to do. 

when the doctor come in Tommy was anxious about what she was about to say and Emma just wanted to leave from there. "so everything look okay" the doctor said looking at the resolts pepers. 

she look up to see Tommy looking at her with worry writen all over his face, when she didn't say anything else Tommy start asking, " so why did  she got dizzy?" he asked waiting for a good answer, if it was something serius  he could ask anyone for help even his father, if it ment that she going to be safe he could made a deal with the Devil. 

"Well her iron seem to be low but it's nothing that we can't fix" the doctor said with a smile on her face "you can leave when ever you want but before you go it could be great if you come by my ofice so i can give you  prescriptions for iron and your good to go" she told them before leaving with a smile on her face. 

leaving the two wasn't the wisest choice, the moment the woman was out of there Tommy start asking questions once again but this time there were differents then  before "what happent?" was the first thing he asked. 

"nothing i just got dizzy, everything is okay" she said smiling at him thinking that this was the end. 

like always Tommy didn't end with this, he never let anything end so easily "it's just happen the next day after you went after Somer?" he asked his girlfriend. 

the young woman wasn't the in the best terms with her boyfriend at the moment and with Tommy asking her question about last night wasn't the best. "look  Tommy i know that right now you're worry but Somer has nothing to do with me being Dizzy" Emma said.

She just wanted to leave the hospital, to leave this conversation with Tommy, but he wanted to ask everything he didn't last night and that was everything. He try to be cool, to be okay with what happen, he try to just be thankful that she come back alive, and he was. For one night.

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