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Trip to the hospital

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Trip to the hospital

Her eyes travel at the door, that's when she saw them. two police officers laying there, without moving at all. The blood found its way at Emma's vision making her tear up.
Before she could understand what happened she felt a blade finding it's way at her stomach. She fall down, her legs too weak to keep her up.

Tommy saw this and was ready to run to her. To take her at his arms and moved her away from the action, but Oliver didn't let him. He didn't want to let his friend get hurt too. Yeah, he saw Emma falling down and he wanted to help her, but if something happened to Tommy he will never forgive himself.

Tommy stood there, watching as the woman was getting closer to Emma, once again he was ready to go and help her this time Diggle was the one in his way.

As Diggle saw the woman getting closer to Emma he attacked her hoping that he could win her some time to move and hide somewhere, but Emma, the only thing she did was to think, those officers, they were there to protect her, if she wasn't stupid and was spying at Somers then they would be alive, their families wouldn't have a funeral to plan. They could have children's and wifes, or husbands  to go home too, but the only thing that they going to see in their door was unfamiliar officers telling them that their loved ones where dead at the line of duty.

Her hair fall at her face as she start to breath heavy, the blood lost plus the stress make her more weak. As Oliver was watching the scene he was struggling, he should help, he can help,  Emma, Diggle non of them disserve to die, and he could help. He could do something but then that means that he could reveal his identity.

He looked back at Tommy who was now getting up so he can go to Emma, this time no one was going to get in his way, he was going to help the woman he loves no matter what. Oliver turn to look at Diggle who was now straggling to keep the woman in place, and in the end he looked at Emma, the woman was still in the floor her skin was getting more pale as the minutes was passing, sweat was all over her face.  looking at his right a knife that Emma had dropped moments before when she was fighting with the woman was there, a little blood in it and Oliver couldn't understand if it was Emma's or the unknown woman's.

Either way he picked it up, looking back at the woman he through it at her and it hit her right in the hand making the knife she had on her hands to fall down, she looked back at Oliver before looking down at Emma who was barely awake. She was ready to go at her but Tommy got there first making it more difficult for the woman to kill Emma, so she run of leaving everyone in the room, except Emma who didn't even understand what happened, in surprise.

"Call an ambulance!" Tommy scream as he held at his hands Emma, he looked at Oliver and Diggle who where standing in frond of him. Diggle nob moving away from the panic  and going somewhere more quiet so he can call. Tommy turn at Emma, the girl was fighting to keep her eyes open.

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