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how everithing started part 2

The next day Emma was at her phone with Barry, he was telling her about the new case he was working on

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The next day Emma was at her phone with Barry, he was telling her about the new case he was working on. And of course she didn't listen to him because she really didn't care.
Last night after She and Tommy had left the Queen mansion Emma thought that they didn't had eat enough so she forced Tommy to go with her to eat the -as she said-  best thing that  man has even invented, pizza.

The pizza place at Star City was her favourite place on earth, after their first date she and Tommy were going there whenever they wanted to spend some time together.

They where in the place until late at night and when they got back at their house the two fall asleep almost eminently.

And this morning she wake up from her phone ringing, it was Barry and that was the one reason she wanted him to leave her alone. Tommy wasn't there when she woke up so she assumed that he had go somewhere to do something.

Before she could tell him to shut up the front door opens and Tommy walks in with a smile on his face. In his left arm he has holding one cup of coffee and on cup of tea, and on his right arm he was holding the keys to the apartment. When she saw him Emma smiled at him and she realised that she finally found the perfect excuse to hang up without being the jerk once again.

When the phone is close Emma smile's to Tommy who now was sitting next to her. He hends her her favourite tea and she kissed him. They were kissing but her phone was once again ringing.

A small groaned escaped from her lips making Tommy laughed at her. She picked  the phone to see that the one that was calling was Iris. She couldn't be mad at her, but still she hung up and send her a text telling her that she will call her later because now wasn't a very good time.
She put the phone down and look at her boyfriend with a small smile.

"So... What did you think?" He asked her with an excited expression.

"What did I think of what?" She asked him with a teasing smile. Tommy roll his eyes at response and she laughed. "I didn't get to know him, I mean with all the ' I Mary your dead father's friend' I really didn't get to know him" she told him "I'm going to headed to the shower, you wanna come?" She asked him with a smile at her face.

Tommy just got up from the couch and follow behind her like a lost little poppy.

Few hours later Emma was next to Tommy to his car "I'm just going to wait here. I need to call Iris anyway so it's not problem" she told him for what it felt like the million time.

They were outside of the Queen mansion and Emma didn't want to go inside because as she told him she didn't want to walk all the way in the mansion just so she could tell oliver that  they were there and then walk back to the car.

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