part 6

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What I'm going to say?

After Barry and Emma talk, Barry had to go to his day job and Emma decide to stay at home a little longer

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After Barry and Emma talk, Barry had to go to his day job and Emma decide to stay at home a little longer.

the first thing she did was to take a shower. the hot water running all over her body was what she needed, from the beginning of the day this was what she wanted, the day might not have ended yet but it was full of stress.

It was wired. She had stress more then once but still this, this was different.

under the water she felt safe, happy and that she had control. something she didn't had felt a while.

when she was done, the filing was gone, like it was never there. She take a step out of the bathtub and she looked at the mirror, with her hand she wipe the mirror so she can see her reflection on it. Her hair had gotten a little longer but it was fine, she took a minute to see herself, she didn't had time to do anything at the past week vut this time she noticed something at her solder, a small skar was there and she probably got it at the car crush. She touch it with her finger si she can feel it, the finger travel at the back for a short among of time but she stop when she stop felling the skar.

She looked at the mirror once again vut this time she didn't see anything her thoughts got the better of her and make sure that she could think for everything, at the mirror she saw the same face as she always see, but she knew that something had changed, she wasn't the same girl.

It was funny, the past two years had been a disaster Oliver coming back to life was the thing that changed everything, after he come back he changed everything, something become better and other things become worst.

With oliver there a lot lifes had been saved and her included. Other people though of him to be the tipe that only care for himself but Emma saw past that, she could see the boy wanted to be more, to help.

Not wanting to think of anything else she left teh bathroom and go to her room so she can change

she decide to wear a black top that in it with big white letters was written 'fuck off', a gray pear of ripped jeans.

She quickly got out of the house and she start walking to the bus stop

Even if the past weak she try working on her car but the damaged was too mush so it wasn't ready yet.

she sure was glad that Joe decided to listen to Iris and let her fix the car herself. Not only because she didn't let anyone touch it but also because she had something to hide.

under the seeds in her car she had create a small case for her suit for emergency and no one knows about it except the Arrow team. And she was sure that that was how she wanted to stay.

After a while she was at the bus station, she needs to see her father so she can talk to him.

she was in front of the glass that was separated her from her father. she was waiting for her father to arrive so they could talk.

it had been so long sense they talk and she had so mush to tell him and he was glad to hear them.

Even if she was in a coma for 10 months she hasn't seen him for much longer then that. She had talk to him on the phone but she hasn't see him in more then she likes.

when the door was open and Henry walk in the room he expect to be Barry in the other side of the glass, he was happy to see his only son but when he saw Emma his eyes filled with joy. he sat at the chair taking the phone to his hands.

"hi cooke" he said with a smile, tears treating to leave his eyes. his daughter, the only girl he could die for was in frond of him, he wanted to hug her so badly but he couldn't, this stupid glass was in his way.

"hi dad" Emma said tears filling her eyes. Her smile was bigger than her usual.

"when did you wake? its even a good idea to be up? maybe you sould go and rest" her father said worry sick about her.

Emma smile at her father " i'm fine dad. i wake up a weak now, i didn't come sooner because Barry was all over me." Emma said. her father smile at her.

something in her eyes make her father to stop smiling. he knew that she wanted to see him wasn't the only reason to come "so what is it cooke?" he asked her, Emma look at her father surprised for a second.

"i'm going back at starling city" she said looking at her hands. her father say nothing knowing that she wasn't finish. "i came here for a weekend and I end up been here for 10 moths sense and I have a job there or had i don't know sense Oliver lost his company but i want to help him get it back" Emma said now looking back at her father who was smiling at her.

" oh Emma you know I'll support you no mater what. you can go back and you can come back as much as you want just please tell your brother what are you going to do so he could make peace with it" he tells her thinking what happened the first time she moved away.

"The problem is I don't know how" she told him looking at his eyes, the eyes that she always found comfort in.

" Just tell him what you want he'll understand" he said smiling at his daughter.

But they both knew that he wasn't going to understand. He was going to try everything to make his sister stay with him and then because of that Emma will leave earlier then she was plan to, they won't speak to each other for days until Joe, Iris or Henry could make one of them to apologise.

That was what they do. Sense college that's how they act.

After a little talk with her father Emma decide to go back to her house ready to talk to Barry about her going away again.

But just like everything it didn't turn out like she was hoping.

Words count:1108

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