part 8

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Shopping never was her thing, she much rather to just lay down and watch a movie

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Shopping never was her thing, she much rather to just lay down and watch a movie. Now that she was with Iris for some reason she didn't mind, her mind was flashing back at the fact that Iris had to face the fact that both Emma and Barry where on a coma for months, so she felt like she owned her something. Even after Barry woke up she was there every single day for Emma at the same hour telling her how her day went.
As the time pass Emma got five phone calls from Oliver that she ignored not wanting to distract the great time that she and Iris had.

After not so many hours later Emma went back at the police station so she can finally talk to her brother, after the shopping with Iris she decide that she was going to stay for a while, she missed all that time that she spent with Iris, Barry and Joe and now that Barry was going to become a hero then she was going to stay and help. He is her brother after all.

As thay walk at the station Iris left because she had to go at jitters so she can start her shift, so Emma was left alone to walk for a little bit.

As she walk she saw that road ahead of her, her phone started ringing once again and Emma got it out of her pocket, it was oliver, of course.

With an eye roll she pressed the answer bottom and smile sweet at herself. " Hello Oliver how are you doing this fine day?" She asked as she entered the police department building, a officer opened the door for her and she smiled at his direction as a thank you.
"I am fine, how are you?" He asked back playing the game she use to play every time she left a conversation without ending it.

"I'm fine thank you for asking." She keep going. Oliver sight at her behaviour shaking his head while looking at Diggle who was quality laughing at the background.

"Do you have something to tell me?" He asked her keeping his cool as much as he could.

Emma smile at herself once again and started walking out of the  elevator "what about i call you  today and tell you? right now isn't the best time, i am heading to talk to Barry" she told him and looked at Joe who smile at her and make his way to her.

"Yeah okay, just make sure you do call, and remember, no more secrets" he remained her, he looked back at Diggle who sheck his head in disapproval.
"Yes i remember, don't worry, be safe" she said before hanging up.

With Oliver, Diggle laugh at him  before he start to walk away, "What's so funny?" Oliver asked him as he walk towards him.

" Well I'm not going to start again at who stupid was of you to not tell her." Diggle told him.

"You don't really have to remained me, every time I'm talking to her" oliver told him as he walk at the desk so he can take a tower to wipe his sweat.

"I'm not, but, If it was anyone else you would drive there and make her tell you, now, because it's Emma, you taking a step back and wait for when she is ready to tell you" he said as he grabbed his bag and looked back at his friend.

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