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dangerous mission 

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dangerous mission 

 Some people think that being an assistant at a famous boy like Oliver Queen was awesome but of you ask Emma she will tell you a different story.
after a week Emma was still Oliver's Queen personal assistant. she hate it. he was driving her crazy.  he always make her to do things,like to go and make him coffee or to go and find him what to wore for that day, she knew that all this was just to make her quit but she wasn't going to do that. 

she was now at her house free from him, at list for some hours. she was enjoying her tea having turn her phone off just so she can relax. 

Her eyes where close and she enjoy the silence. The only thing was the water boiling so she could make spaghetti for her and Tommy.

when her front door was open she turn to see not only her boyfriend but  Laurel with a smile on her face "look who i fount out of the door" Tommy told her while kissing her 

"Laurel, hi, everything okay?" Emma asked her. 

"can we talk, in privet? I need your help with something"  Laurel told her not missing a second. Emma look at Tommy who was already looking her way.

"yes of course" she told her. she got up from the sofa and she and Laurel got to her bedroom, before she close the door behind her she saw Tommy giving her a look telling her to not get to any trouble, not again.

turning around she saw Laurel looking at her anxious "you know about my case, right?" Laurel asked her, Emma look at her trying to understand what she wants, she nob making Laurel sit at her bed  before looking at the floor. "I need some information about Somers. you know some photos, or documents" Emma looked at her for a moment before she shakes her head and moving her hends around 

"you want me to spy on Somers? no. and even if i want to I don't even know where  he is i cant just go around looking for him." Emma told her making Laurel get up from the bed and put her hands to her shoulders.

Emma had helped her more then once and this time she really needed it.

"i know, I know its dangerous but you have help me with other cases and i won in those because of you, because of the thinks you found for me. i need your help now. look i know that you can't leave now and look around the city trying to find him, but  I'll do anything to make the case delayed and after that you could follow him and find something" Laurel told her explaining to her what her plan is.

Emma took a sec to think this. she wan't wrong. She had helped a lot of times but this was different, Somer was more dangerous  then the others, this time is dangerous. 

"ughhh... fine, I'll do it, but i can't promise you anything, okay?" Emma said to her sitting in the bed. Laurel hug her thanking her over and over again. 

the two girls walk out off the room and they saw Tommy at the kitchen cooking the spaghetti that Emma was planning on making.

He turn around so he can look at the two friends. "everything okay?" he asked them, a smile on his face. he look at his girlfriend  practically asking her what they where saying in the room, Emma smile at him and she signaled him that she would tell  him later, Tommy nob showing that he understands. 

Emma turn at Laurel still smiling, "you going to stay for dinner?" She asked her friend.

Laurel shook her head smiling "I'm going to go home i'll see you tomorrow, Emma thank you so much  it's means a lot" Laurel told them before she leave the house. 

Tommy look at his girlfriend confused. looking at her he sees her looking at the floor, and with that he knows that something was wrong "okay what she wants? what do you agreed with?" Tommy asked her dead serius  

Emma sighed and look at her boyfriend,knowing that he was going to be mad no matter what she was going to say to him  so she just stared telling him everything. as her words came out off her mouth he become more angry "you are not going to do that" he told her the second she was done. 

"it's not your decision to make okay? and i have done the same thing a lot off times" Emma told him herself getting angry, she get up from the chair at the kitchen going at the living room.

Tommy follow behind her "the last time you did something like that they almost  find you okay? Plus you broke your hand, and the other times it wasn't with Somers, this guy is dangerous you know it" Tommy told her his voice louder then normal. 

"you know what? I don't care what you think I'm doing this and if you don't like it, deal with it" Emma told him getting her coat and walking  towards the door. Tommy follow behind her 

"where are you going now?" he asked her with a sighed 

"I'm going to walk and possibly going to sleep at a friends house because my boyfriend have piss me off" Emma told him opening the door and start walking at the stairs 

"is this friend going to be Felicity?" Tommy asked her trying to find where she is going to spend the night. 

"probably" Emma said now out of the building. Tommy sighed. 

he was ready to close the door but the old lady next door was quick out off her house and walking towards him, "is everything okay dear?" the lady asked him. 

with an other sight Tommy look at her a small smile on his face "everything okay mrs Miller" Tommy told her and before he could close the door mrs Miller start talking again 

" you know you sould really learn how to keep a track to this girl, a week ago I saw her going in and out off the apartment a lot of times, and in the end she just left with a nice dress on" She told Tommy making him look at her with more interest this time "and you know one of the times she was in here she knock at my door looking for something " she said once again making Tommy more interest to what she was saying 

"and what exactly she was looking for mrs Miller?" Tommy asked her, he knew that Emma wasn't doing anything wrong but after the party and the whole necklace thing -that was still missing- he felt like there things that Emma wasn't telling him. 

"it was a necklace a silver 'A' if i'm not wrong." she told him, Tommy look at her, the necklace, the same necklace that he was looking for the whole week, he felt so stupid. But why Emma lie to him about it? "anyway i'm going to go home it's late i need to sleep, good night dear" she told Tommy before she leave him to just stand there looking at space.

The Bolling water started making a lot of noise making Tommy ran to it so it can't burn anything.

word cound:1237

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