part 4

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What is true?

To wake up from a coma was weird

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To wake up from a coma was weird. She felted like she was sleeping for ever.

She was now sitting at the bed letting Catlin run some test in her. She felt weird, she had not yet  have the chance to talk to Felicity and her mind was in a different planet. She was thinking about what could happen in 10  months. She knew that something had changed but she couldn't tell what.

   After Catlin finished with the test the two siblings decide that they should go to talk somewhere more private.

While walking Barry think that it would be a great idea to tell his sister everything. What happened while she was in a coma.

 And he did, he tell her about the explosion and what come after.

She was frozen. She have no idea what she could say.

After a while she decide to just suck it up. 

I mean, let's be honest she could do nothing. Smiling she agreed to everything. She really has no idea what was going on. In the beginning she thought thay her brother was messing with her but he was dead serious.

Not long after that Barry is telling Emma about what happened today. They were now sitting at the cafeteria of the building, Barry be the one who did all the talking.

When he was done she did the only thing she could think of at the moment. She pleased a hand in his solder and she smile a little

"Listened Barry, when you see things like you guys did you will do whatever you can to survive, to protect every one, the ones you love even strangers. It's something that you'll have one day. You can't blame him for something he thought was right. If I was in his position I wasn't going to make something that could stop someone that i just met, I would make something that it could kill him." She said. Barry looked at her confused. 

Did she just say that she could kill someone? 


She probably meant something else.


"Look we will discuss about it later. But for now let's go find your bad guy." And with that she get up and started walking hoping that she will find the way back. Before she could get lost Barry  appears from behind and he helps her go back

After a while Barry is looking intensely at the computer screen as Cisco walked into the room.
"I figured out a way to track captain cold" said Cisco.

"You gotta stop naming these guys" said Caitlin. Emma looked at them confused, they really giving names at the bad guys? That's such a waste of time.

Emma looked at her brother and she was ready to tell him something but another male voice make her stop

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