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Fear. A word so little but so big in meaning, when you're afraid you could do anything, without a second thought, you could kill someone. All night long Tommy was afraid, afraid that Emma won't come back, that the only time he will see her again was dead, he was afraid that he will lose her. When he saw her walking in the house he was happy, relief feel his body as he hug him.

But fear didn't go away, he could see in her eyes that she was afraid too, he knew that at that moment she was safe but what about in the next hour what if something happens to her then. Fear is something that is always there with you, sometimes it stops you from doing stupid things, other times it's just there. Now it was there to make him stay up all night.

After last night Tommy try to convince Emma to stay at home so she can relax, but as always Emma didn't want to so she was on her way to Queen Consolidated at where Oliver was so she can be with him.

the question she had for that day was one.


how out off all the people that could have save her the one person she wanted to avoid was the one who save her life?

it was weird, she just didn't know what to do, the only thing she could think of was to hope that she will never see him again.

At the moment she was in her car thinking. Not only about last night, but about the future as well. The thought about what could happen if the green dude wasn't there to save her was running in her mind like crazy.

The picture of Somers being in front of her with his two mans behind her was in and out of her mind all the time. What if Somers order to kill her before her saver arrived? What will happened to the ones she love if she wasn't there?

What Will happen to Barry and her dad? The two people in her life that she was going to kill for without even thinking, the two people in her life that has already been through this before. With their mother.

What about Iris and Joe, the other two people that had been through this before, but still they were her family and she couldn't do that.

And of course, Tommy, what about him? After what happened, after what he did and said trying to make her stay with him, he could possibly blame himself for her faith.

She didn't want to make any of them feel sad or mad, she just wanted them to be happy.

But still even if her life is in the line she couldn't stop, she was born to do this, to help others even if it cost her life. It was a risk she was willing to take. even if it was the last decision.

when she heard the elevator opening she look up to see who was the person that walk in the floor, and of course to her luck the person that she couldn't decide if she wanted to see or not was the one that walk in. Felicity was wearing a pink dress with a white jacket and heels. she was wearing a sirius look on her face and when she look at the young girl her mood change and the sirius and mad look turn to a look of relief.

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