part 3

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She's back

She's back

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Felicity, Barry, Iris and Eddie was in Jitters and they were having fun at trivia night.

At S.T.A.R labs Cisco was looking at an empty display case with Wells and Caitlin

"How long has it been missing?" Dr. Wells ask Cisco, a angry look ok his face.

"I don't know" said Cisco, his eyes where in the floor not daring to look at the two people in front of him.

" I'm gonna ask you again Cisco. But when I do i expect more specific answer than I don't know' now how long has it been gone?" Wells asked once again but this time more aggressive then the last one.

"A day maybe two. One of the janitor's didn't show up for work this morning. He is probably the one who took it. I didn't think that..." Said Cisco, this time he look up to see Caitlin looking at him with pity.

Wells slams the display door and says "you didn't think, because if you had, you would have discussed with me first your desire to build something that could, in theory hurt anyone, and in particular, Barry Allen"

" I'm sorry. If you just let me explain..." Cisco said trying to find the right words.

"You know how i feel about weapons Cisco. They do not belong in S.T.A.R. labs. Now, you are gonna figure out a way to locate this gun, and you are gonna do it right now." Said Wells as he wheels out of there.

Caitlin look at Cisco and ask "this thing you built, what can it do?"

"Bud stuff" said Cisco

The tablet Caitlin was holding started ringing and making Caitlin look at it. Her eyes widened when she saw what it was. She start running with Cisco behind (who had no clue what was going on.)

"Caitlin slow down. What happened?" He asked still running.

" You should call Barry something happening" it was the only thing Caitlin said before she was lost at a room that was never empty

Cisco stopped at his tracks. Today was not a good day. He took his phone from his pocket and he tried to call him, but Barry didn't pick up.

He tried again but nothing.



"Jeez man pick up the phone" he said after one more time. He close his phone and put it on his pocket before going to the room that Caitlin had run to.

The only thing he could think was happening was that he was having a very good night so he decide that he would try again later.

When he arrived at the room he saw Caitlin with the tablet in her hand, he saw her looking at a girl with brown curly hair, she was so peaceful that you couldn't realise what was wrong woth her, she look like she was sleeping.

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