part 1

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Emma was in coma for ten months

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Emma was in coma for ten months. When her brother wake up, he was surprise. He wasn't expecting to see his only sister in a bed next to him. With her eyes closed she look like she was dead, that scared him.

  Every day he was next to her bed telling her how  his day was, how he defeat the meta-humans, and of course about Iris. How she smiled at him and how beautiful she is. He also tell her about his job and the criminals that he help to put in jail.

  Like every person in her life he just wanted for her to wake up, to be okay. Even Cisco and Caitlyn wanted her to wake up,wake up. They could see how much it meant to Barry that his sister wasn't there with him at the moment. And how he could be with her at all times, at the second week they saw him asleep at the chair next to her bed holding her hand.

 Oliver and Diggle they were wishing they could go and see her. When Oliver and the rest of the Arrow team heared that Barry and Emma was in coma they wanted to go and make sure they were okay. Oliver couldn't, he was still dealing with Deathstroke and Diggle had to stay there and help. So Felicity took the first train and went to see them.

   Life without her was boring. Oliver had no one to train with, not like he was training with her. The could training for hours and talking at the mean time, she could find a  answer for most of his problems, and she could Always be up for ice cream and movies after.

 Diggle had no one to talk to like he talk to her.  They used to  talk about everything in life, they could talk about their personal life or about what was happening in teem arrow at the moment. And even after hours of talking she could Always find a new topic to talk about.

 Felicity didn't had her best friend, her sister, the one she could Always be count on to be on her side and never leave even if she was in her final moments of her life. 

 Barry had no one to fight with.  he couldn't call her when his day was difficult, he couldn't just go and see her, she couldn't be there when he was crying, he wasn't  able to call her whenever he needed a advice about everything, and she wasn't there to hug him when he need it to. 

Iris couldn't speak to the one person that always understands, the one person that will never judge her the one personshe could Always count for a good advice.

 Joe was just sacred about the girl he learn to love, the girl he raised, his daughter. 

of course her father  who couldn't even see her.

Everyone tried ther best to not break down. It's not like Emma was perfect the complete opposite, she was a mess but she had find a place to everyones  heart. That was her thing, she could Always make you love her for what she is.

 They just sit there and wait. The day she wake up it was a day for party, except that Barry almost died and everyone took a step closer  to find her secret. The one secret that she keep from everyone except Oliver.

Words count: 574

Well, I hope you like this chapter.

As I told you before English is my second language so don't be to hard.

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