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Emma always thought that she could do more to help, she was always the one to be there when there was someone who could used help

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Emma always thought that she could do more to help, she was always the one to be there when there was someone who could used help. So her, following Somer after he left the court was normal, for her it was never for glory, it was just to help, when she was 18 Joe told her that she could be good for the police but it wasn't for her. For her she thought that being with the police ment to take her time to do things, being alone? sure it was dangerous, and some times she was gatting hurt, but it also ment that she could help people.

following Somers was one of the stupidest things, she knew that, this didn't stop her for doing so. at the street, following Somers one of the most dangerous people at the city, she could get killed at any moment. It was for the best, she was following him for hours and still nothing, for just a moment she thought that he was cleen, but when she follow him at the pier, it was night and she knew that he was up to something, of course she had a camera with her so she can take photos of what was going to happen.

she was fast to follow him and she was fast to hide when she heard people come in. she had maneged to climb into one of the tall shelves so he could take better photos and she couldn't been seen, she could hear Somers yelling at the people that had come in not long after Somers.

 she wanted to do something, to stop him from doing something else, if she could she was going to kill him for all the pain he had cost for so many people at the city. but she just keep taking photos, as many as she could.  

but once she try to take one photo her foot push a little nox that was up there making it fall at the floor and it make a sound that make Somer and the others to look at her, for the first time she wasn't quiet fast and Sommers saw her. he signal to the two of his mans to go and get her, she try to run but it was no use, Somers man were faster and they caught her. 

"who do we have here?" Somer asked the moment Emma was in front of him. the two mans that were holding her was behind her so she couldn't run. One of them give Somer the camera that Emma use to take the photos, "what a nice camera, it will be a shame if something bad happened to her don't you think?" Somer said once again.

Emma was still as statue and that make Somers laughed before slapping her, but once again Emma stay still, she wasn't going to saw any sign of weakness. "fuck you" she told him. the comment make Somer to slap her once again. 

after that he opened the camera to see what was in there, he laughed when he saw the pictures   "what a same, those are some really nice pictures." he said going through the camera. He was ready to throw the camera to the floor when Emma start talking. 

That has the last thing she wanted, this camera was a gift from Barry and she didn't want to lose it. " you can throw it but i still have the photos" she said and Somers laughed. she knew that he didn't care he wasn't goin to just her leave this place, not alive at least. "yeah, you can kill me, but at this moment the camera is sending the pictures at my phone, that i think i don't need to point out that i don't have with  me, and if i didn't open it with my password at least one hour is going to send the pictures at the police" she told him with a smile on her face. 

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