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how everithing started part 3

After some hours Emma was at her car making some updates

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After some hours Emma was at her car making some updates. She still had thoughts about what had happened, she had questions about Oliver and who he really was.

 She stop when she heard her phone ringing from her pocket. With a little groan she take it out and look at it. She saw that it was Moira.

Why Moira Queen was calling her for?

No idea.

She got up from the floor and pick up the phone. "Hallo Moira is everything okay?" She asked her, slowly packing her things.

"Everything is alright dear I'm just wandering if you could come. I know that the day wasn't exactly perfect but i have a proposal for you" the woman told her making her very nervous. What kind of proposal?

Nothing good happens when your boss asked to meet you. Everybody knew that.

"I'll be there as soon as i can" she told her. She started walking to the house so she can change amd take a quick shower.

"Wonderful, I'll see you then" and with that she hung up. Without saying anything else.

After she get her shower she start to drying her hair, after that she got changed, she walk to one of her favourite things on earth, her car. She got inside to her car, and now  Emma was driving to the Queen mansion for the third time this day.

Not long after she finally arrived. With shaking hands she pressed the doorbell and stood there waiting for someone to open the door. Seconds letter the door open and Emma started walking inside hoping that she won't get fired. When she got to the living room she saw Moira sitting there reading a newspaper. When the older woman notice the girl she smiled at her.

"Emma I'm so glad you could make it." She started walking towards the gir  "as you already know I have a proposal to make. You know my son just returned from a island and that he was there for 5 years, he has miss a lot in this years and i want to make his life as easier as i can." She told her with a big smile on her face.

"And what exactly can I do to help you Moira" the young woman asked confused. What she had to do with Oliver having a easier life? If she wanted him to have a shorter one then she could think about it but easier, that was difficult.

" You see my son has been gone for 5 years and it may be difficult for him to get used to the new life." She started walking around the living room making Emma kind of nervous. "I want from you to be his personal assistant" the woman finally stopped Infront of her and looked at Emma.

"I'm sorry what?" Emma asked once again confused. She had being working for her for over two years and she just going to asked her to give up everything she work on to be personal assistant to someone spoiled brat?

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