part 2

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To understand what I'm about to tell you, you need to do something first.
You need to believe in the impossible.
Can you do that?

I'm Emma Allen and I'm the twin sister of Barry Allen. My brother is the faster man alive. To be honest he had a little practice before that lighting hit him. 

 You see he got bullied a lot. When he got bit up I was the one who had to help him. I didn't mind.

Our mother was murder when we are only 11 year old. My brother was there.  when our mother got killed our father gat arrested for her murder and we had to live with Iris and Joe.

  While I was starting to live my life my brother was obsessed to find our mother's killer. I mean don't get me wrong I would love to see my father again without same officer telling me that my time was up. I was trying to live my life like every normal person would do, right?

While, my brother was more into since I was more like the inventor of the family. I could build some pretty nice things. Like that one time me and Iris were mad at Barry  because... well I can't remember. Anyway, I build a trap for him so when he tried to go to his room he got electrocuted. It was nothing sirius but Joe got mad and I was punished for three weeks... It was worth it.

Well it wasn't the only time that I got punished because of thinks like this. This one time one of our class-mate was make fan of my brother. Let's just say he regretted it, because after that I hack in to his computer and I kind of black male him with same pictures of him. I had been punished for 5 weeks.

Well that was my life. The most of my childhood I was punished for some stupid reason, so yeah you could say It was okay, but it wasn't perfect both of my parents weren't there. Joe was amazing but still he wasn't my real parent's.

When I got to the university it was amazing. I learn thinks and i just love it. I meet new people and make a lot of friends. I had some relationships that didn't end up as perfect as i imagine back then.

When i graduate i move to Starling City there i start working to Queen Consolidated. It was amazing i was in love with my new job. There I meet some new people. Like Felicity Smoke, my coworker. We become friends right away.

With Felicity wasn't always drama like most of the other people, with her i could be myself, and she could always be there to listen to me.

While working there i got to meet some of the family friends, like tommy Marlin a boy that was always kind to me. After a lot of time together we become really close and after 6 months we started dating.

Well that didn't end well. After same time Olive Queen, best friend of Tommy Merlin got back from the dead and decide that it would be a good idea to wear a green hood and run around the city like some stupid vigilante.

It didn't take much time for me to learn Oliver Queen is the vigilante that every one was talking about. After almost a year Tommy learn about his real identity and he was mad. I mean who wouldn't have been?

The think he didn't know has that I was working with him. I was worried that if he find out that I know he would break up with me. and to be honest i would do the same to him.

Some days before Moira Queen exposed about everything, he propose me. It was awesome. But then everything ruined because he died in my arms. It was the think that broke me.

So when my brother come to the city i saw a opportunity to run away from my problems. Even if it was just for a few day, i could  walk away and have fun away from every single problem that i had in Star City. So i run from my problems.

Who would know that i just ran to new one's?

Words count:725

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