part 10

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the begining of the start 

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the begining of the start 

The sound of her foot walking in the empty room was heard in the house, her eyes on the opened computer as she waited for Oliver to call, her foot was bouncing in the floor as she was biting her nails. The computer screen was open in a tab where a reporter was telling the news in starling City. She was listening closely trying to cutch up to everything she had lost over the past 10 months. Her phone ring and she was quick to pick it up, the id write Felicity on it and she didn't let any more time to pass "Oli, hi. Why didn't you video chat me?" she asked as she look at the computer

"Emma, we have a problem and we need help" she heard the voice of Oliver at the other end of the line. "can you help us over the phone?" he asked

Emma open the computer and try to connect at the computer at the batman cave as she called it. Her fingers tapped at the keyboard in no time she had excess in everything "Where is Felicity, Oliver?" she asked him, she heard him taking a dib breath.

"we don't know" he admitted.

She try her best, her fingers didn't stop she type without second thought. She try to locate Felicity's phone but nothing it was the first time she wasn't able to find what she wanted. As the time pass Emma started to becoming irritated then she imagen, it was one off the few times she got like this, but nothing, she couldn't even turn her phone on.

"Oliver, I don't think she has a phone anymore" Emma spoke, she couldn't find any other explanation, she wasn't Felicity but she wasn't bad she never had trouble finding people, "I think that someone broke her phone, I cant find her" she told him

The silence wasn't last too long for her likins but when she was ready to ask Oliver what was happening "her mother was with her, or at least she was in town, I don't know , I found it weird that she came the same time that everything happen. Can you try to locate her?" Emma didn't answer instead she start typing in the keyboard.

"It say's that she is in her apartment" she told her, she couldn't do anything. She hated that felling, she hatted felling hopeless she had nothing else, she couldn't help Felicity even thought Felicity try her best to always be there for the girl, never even once she let her down and now Emma couldn't even find her. She fall back at the pillow, her eyes start to get watery as she try to think clearly. Her eyes winded as she thought back at what Felicity said, his Watch, of course, who she didn't think of it. "wait, I found it" she didn't hear what Oliver had to say, she could hear him talking but she didn't give any attention at what his words were. " I found her" she told him, she send him the address and the only thing she could after that was hope

"thank you Emma, I'll call you when its over" he told her

He was ready to hung up but the voice of Emma stop him the last second "Oliver" she waited until she heard Oliver talking, he asked what was it, if everything was okay, he could hear in her voice that she wanted to say something "stay safe" she said after a while. But Oliver, he got the felling that, that wasn't what she really wanted to say.

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