11.) Freezing Water

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" Roses are red, Violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet,
and perhaps so are you.
But the roses wilted, the violets are dead,
the sugar bowl is empty,
and your wrists are stained red.
The sun isn't shining, the sky isn't clear,
there's no silver lining, cause your no longer here."


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Everything feels like its all happening in slow motion. The only thing I hear is a loud piercing noise. As I hopped onto Teddy we fall off the bridge, crashing through the thin layer of ice on top of the freezing water. As we sink deeper into the water I grab Teddy's waist and try to push him above the water, but his body feels lifeless and continues to sink. I swim after him and use all my strength to hold onto him. I push our heads up out of the water and gasp for air. His head tilts onto my shoulder.

The weight of his limp body pushes me underwater, my stomach scrapes the side of a sharp rock. As I continue to sink I see two hands wrap around Teddy and grab my arm, pulling me out of the water and onto the rocks and sand. Bryson and Holly rush over to me and completely pull me out of the water as Wesley sets Teddy on the ground. I roll onto my stomach and cough up water. I see Bryson's and Holly's lips moving but can't hear a word they're saying. Bryson pulls off his jacket as Holly pulls off my hoodie as I shiver.

"Paisley! Can you hear me?" Holly shouts.

I stand up and look over at Teddy. "I can now." I rush over to Teddy's side. "Holly, you took a CPR class last year, right?"

She nods. "Yeah, I got this guys."She says with confidence, trying her hardest to not cry.

Wesley turns around and looks at me. "You gotta get out of those clothes. You don't want to get hypothermia."

I pull off my top and toss it on the ground, next to me. The cold air hits my back, making me shiver more than I already was. "Your stomach." Bryson mumbles.

I look down at my stomach and see all the bruises that I got from Ryan last night. I look towards my side and see a big, bloody cut from the rock. Wesley pulls his hoodie off and hands it to me. I quickly pull it on and Bryson wraps his jacket around me.

"He has a pulse!" Holly exclaims.


A couple of hours later. 12:21a.m.

Holly walks up to me and hands me a change of clothes. "Here, this was in the suitcase in the car."

"Thanks... Any word on Teddy?" I ask.

She shakes her head as I pull the leggings on. "No, Linda said she'll tell us once they know." She pauses and glances at my bare stomach and arms. "The ice really cut you up. But, how did you get those bruises?"

I shrug and pull on the forest green sweater.

She leans against the bed and crosses her arms. "You saved his life you know."

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