Chapter 10 'Old Times'

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Saige's POV

Keaton and I are spending the day together. We haven't really had much time to catch up since I moved. I miss the little guy. Well, maybe he's not so little anymore.

I got up and got ready. I'm not sure what he has in mind, so I put a bikini on under my tank and jean shorts just incase. I applied very little makeup, incase we did go swimming. I grabbed some cash, again, just incase. I hate when people pay for me, and everyone knows it. Mariana doesn't even try anymore, but when she does, she goes out and gets it by herself to give it to me.

"Saige! Keaton is here!" Mari yells from downstairs.

"Coming," I yell back. He's standing in the walk in area of the house. I run down the stairs and greet him with a hug.

"Have fun! Remember to have her back soon," Mari teased, but Keaton shot her a thumbs up anyways. We headed out the door and to my car. I decided to drive since Keaton wasn't exactly one hundred percent experienced.

"And where are we headed to, Keats?" I ask him.

"This is why I wanted to drive," he said, letting out a deep sigh. He gave me directions until we reached our destination. It was a hiking trail.

"Do we have to hike? This is what you had in mind?"

"Oh, um, no, this was a joke. Let's go," he nervously said.

"I'm kidding, Keaton. I love hiking! Let's go," I giggled.

"Okay, good. We can't stay long, though. Mari wanted you back," he said.

"She was joking, you know."

"No she wasn't, she has a girls night or something planned. She told me about it before you came down," he quickly told me, seeming as if he was making it up. She would've told me about it if she did. I shrugged it off, and we started up the trail.

"So, what's up with you and Wes? He talks about you all the time, and I know you kissed the other day at your party," Keaton blurt out.

"Nothing, why? Wait- how do you know?"

"He was upset about it, and he told me. But don't tell him I told you that!"

"Oh, yeah."

"He really likes you, Saige."

"I know he does," I sighed, smiling a little. We aren't exactly dating, so I didn't want Keaton to get the wrong idea if I told him I liked him too.

"So why do you keep leading him on and not date him?"

"That isn't how it works Keaton. I have to admit something. This fan came up to him and started talking about me and some interview. I looked it up, and after I saw it, I felt different about him. I've always had a crush on Wesley, but something really changed after I saw that interview," I explained.

"What do you mean? What was different?"

"I felt like . . . like I had a connection with him. After I heard what he said about me, my heart got all warm and I even blushed. I felt like he meant it. I mean, I know he did, I think, but I felt butterflies," I tried to tell him. When it comes to love, I'm always lost for words.

"You love him," he stated more than questioned. I was taken back. I did, but why would he come out and say that? I hope Wesley didn't say anything to him.

"I'm not so sure," I lied. I know I love him, but I don't want to admit it to anyone but Mari yet. I'm sure Wesley knows, but I haven't said it since the night I was drunk. I've never been scared to tell Keaton anything, but this just wasn't coming out.

"I am. Let me tell you, you love him. I'm sure of it, and I'll be at your guys wedding one day," he assured, making me chuckle.

"If you're so sure, why don't you know I already told him I love him?" I blurted out. Great, Saige. You tried to be a smart ass and ended up telling him.

"Wait, you did? I knew it! He was all giddy about something, and I knew that's what it was!"

"Keaton, please don't tell him I told you. Plus it was the night I was drunk," I begged.

"Okay, as long as you say I was right," he challenged.

"You were right," I groaned. He nudged my arm and shot me a wink while we walked on. We made it to the edge of a cliff, and then Keaton suggested we go back.

"I had fun with you today, Saige," Keaton smiled, giving me a hug before we parted our ways to our houses.

"Have fun tonight," he shouted before I closed my door.


I went inside and found Mari and Drew. I plopped down next to them, only to be rushed upstairs. Mari was right behind my trail, scooting me up the stairs and into my room. She didn't even give me time to ask what was going on. She shoved a dress in my face, along with some sandals and my makeup bag.

"Just do your thing girl, we're having fun tonight," she told me. I brushed out my messy pony-tailed hair before curling it. I wasn't sure where we were going, but it must be kind of casual if I'm wearing a sundress. I applied some makeup, but I hated how it looked. I hate how I look in makeup. It makes most girls feel pretty, but it makes me feel so fake. I slipped my sandals on and headed back downstairs.

I saw Drew and Mariana in the kitchen all dressed up too. Why is Drew coming? If I'm third wheeling them tonight, I'm going to be pissed. I hate third wheeling with Mari. You might as well not even go because she ignores you the whole time. Drew was eyeing her up and down, and I can only imagine what's coming next. He pulled her closer and kissed her lips, probably whispering something gross because I hear her giggle.

The doorbell rings, and I wonder who it is. I hope it's Wesley, wanting to hangout so I'll get out of going with these two lovebirds.

"Saige! Get the door, please," Mari giggled.

"Already on it," I muttered, but I'm sure she didn't hear. When I opened the door, my jaw dropped, and I thought I was going to faint.

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