Chapter 22 'Full House'

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Saige's POV

"Good morning, sunshines," my mom laughed. A nervous chuckle escaped Wesley's mouth.

"Morning, Mom."

"How come Mari is up way before you guys? She usually sleeps in everyday!"

"She's been getting up pretty early."

"By the way, if you wanted him to stay last night, you should've asked instead of making him climb the side of the house," my mom whispered when I walked past her.

"How'd you know?"

"I've known that trick for years, baby. That, and we heard him climbing," she laughed.

"My bad," Wesley chuckled. Pretty soon, Mari and Drew walked through the door with Keaton trailing behind them, and my dad walked down the stairs. It was a full, well not really, house. We all ate and talked for awhile, until my parents decided it was time for them to go.

They got their bags around in the car and everything. Wesley and I were driving them back, and I could already tell it would start another fight between Mari and I. Before we left, she said goodbye to my parents and never came back out of her room. Maybe she was upset her parents didn't come, but whatever it is I hope she's over it when I get back.

"Thanks for bringing that letter, Mom and Dad," I said before we started the car. Wesley and I sat in the front, with me driving, and my parents sat in the back, since it was my car.

"No problem, sweetie. We just wanted to make sure everything was going good, too," my dad said. We headed back to Washington, and I was just praying they wouldn't say anything embarrassing to me in front of Wesley. It was quite a drive, but it wasn't so boring with everyone else in the car.

We only took a couple stops on the way, but we got there before dark. We helped them unload their bags, and then we said goodbye. Wesley insisted we stop by and see his mom for a little bit.

"Wesley! My baby boy! I missed you," Laraine cooed when she saw us at the door. "Oh, Saige! My you've grown to be beautiful," she complimented, pulling us both in for a hug.

"We can't stay long. We have to drive home, but we just wanted to say hello," Wesley said.

"Here! Take some food and snacks." I couldn't deny that I wasn't hungry right about now, so I gladly accepted the food. We talked only a little longer, telling her we were in a relationship and what not. We decided we better hit the road before dark.

"This is going to feel like a long car ride," I groaned.

"You can sleep. I'll drive," he chuckled. The thing is, I was already planning on having him drive. I put my hand on his, and he turned it around so they were interlocked. I fell asleep holding his hand.

When I woke up, I was in Wesley's arms being carried inside. I felt him lay me down on a bed, not mine, though. He planted a kiss on my forehead and left. I felt someone next to me, but I also thought I heard Wesley leave. I shifted in my sleep, pretending I was still sleeping, to see who it was. I realized it was Mari. I wondered why he would put me in her bed, but didn't have much time to think about it before I fell back asleep.

"Love you, Saige," I heard before I drifted off fully.

"Love you too, Mari," I somewhat tried to mumble back.

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