Chapter 21 'Breakfast'

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Saige's POV

I woke up early that morning, just to make sure my parents wouldn't find out Wesley had stayed the night. I don't think they're up yet, so I relaxed a little. I realized I was without my shirt on, and so was Wesley. I instantly felt insecure. I was so comfortable around him last night, and I wasn't scared to do anything with him. We almost had sex. Now I'm scared to have my shirt off when he can't even see me.

"Saige, honey," my mom cooed through the door. I didn't know they'd be awake this early.

"Yeah, Mom?" I called, praying she wouldn't open the door.

"I made some breakfast! Why don't you and Wesley come down to eat something," she answered without opening the door. How did she know Wes was here? Did she open the door earlier? She doesn't seem mad, so that's good.

"I'll be down in a minute," I barely said. When I heard her footsteps go away, I shook Wesley awake.

"I don't wanna get up," he groaned, pulling me down with him. I was locked between his arms and chest. I tried to pry myself out, but it wasn't working.

"My mom knows you're here," I told him. He froze his grip on me and quickly pulled away.

"How? I bet they're pissed. I better leave," he panicked.

"No, they really aren't. My mom invited us down to breakfast, so get your clothes on, and let's go," I instructed. He looked at me for the first time and smirked when he realized I just had my bra on.

"I kinda like this view," he chuckled.

"Shut up! It's the same as a bikini. Now get dressed and hand me my shirt."

"Were you really thinking about last night, though? Like on a real note right now?"

"Yeah, I mean, why not? I love you, and I wanted to save my first for someone I love. I'm sure I want to do it with you," I said, but giggled a bit at how weird that just sounded. But deep down, I always knew Wesley would be the one.

"I love you, too," he smiled, kissing my cheek. He threw me my shirt and got dressed before heading downstairs. Wesley nervously walked behind me, staying close by my side, though.

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