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Hi Minna!

So I was scrolling through the khr fanfics and I realized that there were only a few of them.

That basically made me swear and curse like a drunken sailor.

No way in hell am I letting one of my favorite anime in the world have only this much amount of fanfics! We need more.

So basically, I had a dream of a really shallow girl. (Anime girl, of course.) So I thought 'Hey! Why not make a fanfic about khr using that character?!'


Let's do this! >^<

I do not own any of the khr characters only Dina(Pronounced Die-na.)

She's played by Lily from Vocaloid coz I think she's bae and she closely matches my description of Dina.

But I wish I did!


"You sure about this?"

"Yeah. I'm sure." Dina answered in a nasal pitched voice.

It was obvious she was nervous. It's been a long time since going to a mafia families meeting, let alone a ball.

She had no idea what the hell she was thinking when she suddenly blurted the big idea of making a grand entrance.

She was an ex-family member after all and those things were frowned upon. Imagine, a rogue mafia member strutting in the midst of other families normally and casually.

But still, they needed to warn the mafia families or the lives of thousands of members will be on them.

"You ready for this?"

"Dress. Check! Hair. Check! Knife in the inside pocket of my skirt. Check! Feeling like this is a bad idea and I wanna go home. Check!" Dina glared at her companion for asking such an irrelevant question.

Not to mention stupid.

"Better to get this over with quickly." Dina laughed bitterly. "I'm just entering a room of people who hate me and think I'm dead... What's the worse that could happen?"

Her companion opened his mouth but she stepped on his foot, silencing him.

"Don't answer that, Hiro." He grimaced in pain before chuckling nervously.

"I've learned my lesson." He muttered.

Dina raised an eyebrow. "And that is?"

"Never mess with a girl in heels."

She nodded in affirmation. Her crystal earrings jingling in result

"And don't you know it."


"Hiee!!!" Tsunayoshi Sawada cried out. "You brought me here for a ball?!"

Reborn didn't answer for a few minutes and smirked. "So? As boss, meeting other families is part of the job description."

"But we're not even wearing suits!" Tsuna protested.

"Don't worry, jyuudaime. You can borrow my spare." Gokudera Hayato whispered to Tsuna.

"Hiee!!! You knew about this?!"

"Not only him." Yamamoto Takeshi smiled brightly, holding up a suit.

"Yamamoto too!"

Yamamoto blinked twice. "You didn't know, Tsuna?"

Tsuna gaped at his two companions before turning to Reborn, who was smiling innocently at him.

"Re-reborn...." He mumbled weakly.

"Hey!" A familiar voice was heard and the four guys. Well four and a half (Gomen, Reborn.) saw Dino Cavallone running towards them.

Without any companions.

Due to that, a couple feet away from them he tripped on a plate and banged his head on the ground.

"Where did that thing come from?" He was heard faintly muttering as he rubbed his head.

He saw the four of tem look down upon him and he smiled whilst still rubbing his head before becoming aware of Tsuna's expression.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"You're bleeding, Dino-san."

"Eh?" He looked at his hand, which was now covered in blood. "When did that happen?"

The three others sweatdropped as Reborn sighed muttering something about idiot students and the like.

"Boss!" One of Dino's subordinates called out before running to him and patching him up.

"You guys are going to the ball too?" He asked and they nodded.

"It's alright." He reassured when he took in Tsuna's horrified expression. "The other members are all sweethearts but not the brightest."

"So make sure you don't insult them." He adviced.

"How do I know if I do?" Tsuna asked.

"Trust me." Dino said, his gaze hardening. "You'll know."

"Hiee!!!" Tsuna cried out.

"Jyuudaime!" Gokudera exclaimed. "You'll be fine. I'm ready to give myself up for you!"

"Ahahah! This game again? Sure! I'll be happy to die for you!" Yamamoto joined in and Ahode- ehem! Gokudera proceeded to glare at him.

"Gokudera-kun! Yamamoto!"


"Do you have your invitation?" Hiro asked Dina who was by this time, frustrated by his antics.

"Of course I have it! Jeez, you're so pushy!" She searched inside her purse. "It's right-"

"Uh-oh." She muttered.

"What uh-oh?! Don't tell me you lost-"

He was cut off by Dina laughing.

"Your face!" She wheezed out.

Hiro huffed. "It wasn't funny."

"Oh it was."

"Let's just get this over with." He grumbled.

"Well, Mr. Sunshine. You're just one big ray of happiness." She giggled.

"Shut up."

Ghost of the Past (Katekyo Hitman Reborn/Xanxus) WATTYS 2017Where stories live. Discover now