Part 16 - Loyalty

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Dino ran over the same thoughts again and again in his head as he briefly ran over how their enemies were able to find out where they were.

He couldn't help but be distracted by what his sister had told him.

She still loved him.

After all this time. He tried to imagine how she was able to hide it really well.

Besides the fact that she completely ignored him and insulted him every chance she got.

"That girl..." He shakes his head fondly. "Can hide a secret from anyone... Makes her a great-"

He paused as he came to a revelation, his eyes widening.

"Spy!" He whisper-yelled to himself before dropping everything he was holding on the table in front of him and ran to his sister.


"You're lying." Dina said through gritted teeth.

"Don't you dare tell me one of my friends is a spy. I can't believe you even suggested it."

"It's a possibility we can't avoid." Dino argued, he felt his stomach dropped as he watched his sister's temper increase.

"How about Vongola? The little brat with his large, baby, doe eyes could fool anyone!" Dina defended, not making sense to her brother or to herself.

"How about Xanxus?" Dino countered, feeling bitter at how low their argument was getting.

"Touché." Dina frowned. "These people watched me grow up into who I am, unlike you."

Dino winces at this statement. "They've known you your whole life, right?"

Dina nodded as she crossed her arms and stuck her nose up childishly. "Yeah. So?"

"So it means that they've watched your beloved Kuroi grow up as well; who's to say they aren't as loyal to him as they are to you?"

Dina felt her throat stuck as she tried to find a counter remark.

"You're such a—"

Dina was cut off by a large blast and she rolled her eyes before stomping her feet, her childish mask set firmly once again on her face.

"What is it with these people and explosives?!"

The two of them ran in the direction of the blast and they found themselves staring up at a moscha three times their size.

One thing was for sure to the both of them, though they didn't want to admit it.

There was a spy in their midst, and it wasn't from the Vongola. Dina's gut wrenched at the thought.

The spy was from Liberta.


They get beat up; saves xanxus and her brother; Noelle gets stabbed

"Shit." Dino steps in front of his unarmed sister and brought out his whip, which he usually kept for emergencies in his belt loop.

"Dino, wait!"'

He swung his arm just as the mosca was about to fire.

And found himself with a large, raw burn of his sweet flesh as his whip hit him in the face.

Dina tackled him to the side just and the beam shot right past them.

"Yep. We, Cavallones do fall into danger like we're in love with it..."

She felt the back of her head and Dino noticed that a part of her hair was now burned, sides unequal.

"Dina-san! Dino-san! Are you okay?"

A floating Tsuna asked them, his hands wearing his X gloves.

"We're good! Just telling my good for nothing brother he's good for nothing!"

Tsuna gave a small smile, something relatively close to a smirk and in his X form. Dina couldn't help but let out a sigh as he flew away from them and set numerous shots at the mosca.

"Are you serious?" Kai facepalmed as he brought out his daggers.

"The kid's like a baby!"

"Not in this form." Karen whispered as she ogled at the Vongola's future boss.

"Careful there, Ren." Her sister joked. "Hiro looks like he's gonna kill the guy. Gouge his eyes out to make them less dreamy in this form."

Karen snapped out of it before blushing and turning to face an extremely irritated Hiro.

Dina felt herself tense up.

The spy was so close to her.

She felt her insides churn as she thought of her childhood friends, her family, betray her.

Hiro brought out his own dagger, similar to Kai's. Just like how Liberta taught them and ran to the mosca.

"The baby needs saving!"

He swiped at the mosca's weakest points. The joints.

You can't bend pure metal.

Xanxus gently tugged Dina's hair.

"Is it okay?" She asked, self-conscious.

Xanxus shook his head before taking out his guns and smiling at her. "I like it. Your hair won't get in my way anymore."

Dina blushed as she realized what he meant.


"This mosca is different!" Hiro yelled out as he slashed at the mosca's chest and attempted to trip him but failed and toppled backwards.

"A little help, please?" Noelle called out as she swiftly dodged a huge metal arm swung her way.

"Uno momento." Karen raised a brow before getting out a digital device and pressing a small button on the touch screen.

On command, a laser shot out from the far deck and brned right through the mosca's right eye, the other was destroyed simultaniously by Xanxus bullets.

"Nice shot, scarface." Karen's lips tilted into a vicious snarl. "You pitch mosca's against me, bitches?! I'm the queen of moscas! I am their mother! I am invincible! I am... Er..." Karen looked around clueless before she yelled.

"I am a Karen!!!"

"Seriously, you imbecile. I don't even know why we're friends." Dina chuckled before stopping herself as she remembered her dilemma.

Karen frowned at her and before she could ask what's wrong, Dina was already gone.

Lunging herself at the moscha, she jumped from the ground and kicked both feet at the moscha's head, causing it to turn back. Causing it to miss a shot that targeted Tsuna.

"Dina-san! " Tsuna mouthed in awe but an awful scream rang out.

"Kai! Oh God! Kai!!! He's not breathing! Karen!!!"

Dina felt her heart stop as she saw the body of her old friend in his sisters' arms.

The shot that missed found its way to a new target.

Ghost of the Past (Katekyo Hitman Reborn/Xanxus) WATTYS 2017Where stories live. Discover now