Chapter 13 - "I hate you."

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"So the flames you were giving me all along, were Kuroi's." It wasn't a question. The way Xanxus said the statement made Dina feel like crawling into a hole and dying.

"I'm sorry." She apologized. "I just couldn't take it anymore."

"Take what?" Xanxus asked as he clenched his fists at his sides.

"His voice was always in my head... I could always hear him, even now." She pressed her hands against her ears.

"It's always so loud! But when I'm with you..." She trailed off as she slowly let her hands fall to her lap and came to an epiphany.

The reason why she couldn't hear Kuroi's voice that much anymore was because she was with Xanxus. Because she was moving on.

"Stupid." Xanxus whispered before grabbed her hand and pulled her to him before he pushed his lips against hers.

He was angry. She could feel it. He was letting all his anger go as he kissed her with such force and she found herself unable to pull away as she kissed him back.

He pulled her closer by the small of her back until her legs were dangling of the hospital bed and she chose that moment to wrap her legs around him and place her arms around his neck.

He pulled her off the bed and pressed her tightly against him before he suddenly let go of her and dropped her back on her bed.

"I-I'm mad at you." His voice shook as she watched his jaw clench as if restraining himself.

"Xanxus..." She whispered softly before she glared at him, knowing full well that she too had a right to be angry.

Kissing her so suddenly!

"Fine!" She huffed before crossing her arms. "It's not like I care or anything!"

She bit her lip and looked anywhere else but him.

"Yeah, t-trash."

"Oh hell no!" She jumped at him and they fell to the ground.

"You did not just call me that, mister!" She pointed a finger on his chest so angrily she nearly felt her finger snap.

Xanxus lips twitched before he started laughing and Dina was taken aback because she had never seen or heard him laugh before.

It was... Adorable to say the least, how his mouth spread wide open and his eyes crinkled up. It reminded Dina of a kitten. Before she knew it, she was laughing along with him.

"Look at us, we're like children." Xanxus murmured as he cupped Dina's cheeks.

"We keep denying how we really feel." Dina agreed.

Xanxus was propped up on his elbows while Dina straddled him. Their laughter died out and their faces inched closer before their lips brushed against each other.

"I hate you." Dina muttered against his lips and he brushed their noses together.

"I know."


"I don't know why she hates me so much." Dino hid his face in his hands, too embarrassed to show his younger brother figure his unshed tears.

"Dino-san, I think that Dina-san actually really loves you." Tsuna told him, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Yeah, because she makes it so obvious." Dino sarcastically replied.

"I think it's because you remind her so much of what she's lost, you know. Maybe she misses you so much that she wants to deny it every time she sees you."

Dino looked up at his friend. He was probably right. Who was he kidding?! When it vomes to stuff like this, Tsuna was always right.

"Alright!" He jumped up, newfound energy flowing through his veins.

"W-where are you going?" Tsuna asked surprised.

"To tell my sister I love her!" He announced before dashing back to the infirmary.

Tsuna sweatdropped as he chased after him. "Dino-san! I didn't mean it like that!"

Tsuna found Dino, jaw dropped outside the infirmary room which he had previously swung open.

"What the hell are the two of you doing?!"

Tsuna blushed as he came to a stop beside Dino and saw what he was talking about.

Dina was on the floor straddling Xanxus, kissing him and he was, surprisingly, kissing back.

She jumped away and felt a blush creep up her neck.

"What does it look like, trash?" Xanxus glared at them as he sat up.

Tsuna felt himself get lightheaded before he fell to the floor, his nose beginning to bleed.

"I won't allow this."

Dino stomped over to Dina and pulled her up, Xanxus immediately retaliated and stood up before grabbing her waist to pull her away from him.

"Leave." He ordered before pushing Dino out and slamming the door behind him.


"You're burning." Xanxus whispers and Dina squeals softly.

"I can't help it! That was so embarassing!" She hid her face in her hands and Xanxus pulled them away.

"I'll willingly take it away." Xanxus said as he carried her bridal style and placed her on her bed.

"It's fine." She smiles as exhaustion catches up to her body.

"It was worth it..." She mumbles into her pillow before she drifts of into a dreamless sleep.

Ghost of the Past (Katekyo Hitman Reborn/Xanxus) WATTYS 2017Where stories live. Discover now