Chapter 2 - 'I just wanna eat'

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Just a thought...

But who the hell will Dina end up with?!?!

Didn't plan this out well enough...


"The Robots were designed after the Moschas, just as a lot of people have pointed out but they don't need to drain human flames. All they need are the rings." Hiro explained.

"Just as I thought." Iemitsu nodded. They were in a safe house of the Vongola family.

"You knew where she was?!" Dino asked surprised albeit angry.

Iemitsu sighed. "She let me hire her on one condition: That you will never know that she wasn't missing."

"Why?" Dino asked the younger Cavallone who was leaning by the window. She shrugged.

"I'm not good with family reunions."

"I need some air."

Dina rolled her eyes.

"Wait, Dino." Iemitsu stooped him.

"Because it's partially Hiro and Dina's fault... They'll be staying with the Vongola family until this ordeal's over."

"You've gotta be kidding!" Dina exclaimed before groaning. "This just keeps getting better and better..." She murmured sarcastically.

"Crap..." Hiro muttered from beside her.

A knock came from the door and Tsuna, along with his family entered.

"Um..." He shifted his gaze nervously as Dina and Hiro looked all of them over.

'They're all a bunch of kids!' Dina thought in her mind before her gaze landed on their cloud guardian.

"Hiro!" She exclaimed.

"What?" He asked, brows furrowed.

"You look like the child of that guy and my brother!!"

"Say that again and I'll bite you to death."

"Oh hon, I like it rough you know." She winked.

Everyone sweatdropped at their actions.

Dina grabbed one of the sweets on Iemitsu's table and Hiro shook his head disapprovingly.


"What?!" She glared at him. "I just wanna eat!"

"You've been eating for the past 5 hours, Dina."

"What's wrong with that?"

"Ehem." Iemitsu cut them off, his right eye twitching in irritation.

Dina discreetly popped the sweet in her mouth.

"I saw that." Hiro whispered.

"Anyway." Iemitsu continued, completely ignoring them. "We've made a deal." He informed the Vongola family.

"We've asked help from the Cavallone family and they agree to our terms."

Tsuna nodded confused, but he trusted Dino so he let it go.

"The Vongola family, along with the Varia, the Cavallone family and these two will be given a mission. To make things straight, it's more of a competition."

"The Varia!!" Tsuna cried out. 'Plus Dina and Hiro?!' He added as a after thought. He was too ashamed to say that he was terrified of Dina Cavallone.

"Of what?" Hiro asked rudely, waving Tsuna off.

"Hey! Don't you dare disrespect Jyuudaime!"

"Don't get your panties in a twist. Asshole." Dina growled annoyed by his behavior. "You're like a lovesick fangirl defending her one and only."

Hiro held back a bark of laughter. "Indeed."

Gokudera blushed beet red before lunging at Dina, only to be held back by Sasagawa Ryohei and Yamamoto Takeshi.

"You can't hit a woman!" Ryohei yelled.

"Calm down." Yamamoto mumbled with a small smile.

"To answer Hiroshi's question: It's a competition to see who's the best boss of the three youngest generations. Tsuna, Xanxus and Dino."

"Th-then why are Dina and Hiro part of this?" Chrome Dokuro asked meekly.

"As much as we hate it, Sugar." Dina eyed her. "We have to take responsibility."

"The mission is to find the person or the people behind this." Iemitsu finished. "That's all."

"You'll all be living together from now on until it is accomplished. 'Til then, good luck."

"How 'bout Mr. Sourface?" Dina inquired. "The one who nearly shot me in the face with his gun?"

"Xanxus was already informed before all of you and he agreed..." He trailed. "Though he did mention something about bringing the trash down..."

"How nice." Dina said sarcastically.


'How did I get dragged into this mess?!' Tsuna clutched his head with dread. He was outside the mansion in which they were supposed to be staying.

In the garden to be exact.


"Reborn!" He exclaimed. "You planned this!" He pointed an accusing finger.

Reborn replied with a smile before a bubble came out of his nose.

"You're sleeping again!?"

"Hey." Tsuna jumped at the sudden greeting. It was Dina Cavallone in a revealing black outfit that fit her perfectly.

"Dina-san!" His knees trembled as he watched her with caution.

"I... I apologize for my behavior last night." She mumbled.

"What?" Tsuna asked perplexed and she turned red.

"I'm not gonna say it again!" She ran back inside the mansion.


Dina didn't like the kid, that's for sure. But she also didn't like the way he looked at her.

He was horrified.

Dina shivered as unnescessary thoughts clouded her mind.

"It's already been a year..." She mumbled as she leaned back against the wall. "Why can't I just forget about it?"

Ghost of the Past (Katekyo Hitman Reborn/Xanxus) WATTYS 2017Where stories live. Discover now