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Kuroi let out a small laugh as Xanxus was able to slice his cheek with his flaming hand, drawing a thin line of blood.

"You're good!" He ran towards Xanxus, executing jabs, kicks and punches.

Xanxus timidly– maybe even lazily dodged all Kuroi's attacks before he felt an unsettling feeling occur in his stomach.

Xanxus jumped a few ways away as he coughed up a bit of blood, eyes wide.

"Colorless flames can do wonders... Though, I must say, I'm a bit jealous. Your resolve and your will to carry on this fight..." Kuroi dusted his hands off. "You most certainly do care about her... You might even..."

Kuroi frowned, casting a bitter glare at Xanxus as he lowered gis voice.

"–love her."

It was a statement. Not a question and Xanxus couldn't respond as he breathed heavily.

"How could you? Love her when you know she's going to leave you!?"

"I don't care!" Xanxus burst out, his eyes burning with rage before he calmly stood upright.

"Whatever happens in the future, it will never change how I... Feel..." He breathed out, head hanging low.

"In the end, she's worth it. Everything—if it's for her, is worth it."

He smirked at his opponent before holding up his hand, palm facing Kuroi and blasting a shot of his mixed color flames, causing Kuroi to collide with a wall.

He smirked at his opponent before holding up his hand, palm facing Kuroi and blasting a shot of his mixed color flames, causing Kuroi to collide with a wall

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"You're using her power..." Kuroi murmured as though he was in a trance before he shook his head and laughed sinisterly.

"She's also using you, you know."

Waves of colorless flames started to cover Kuroi's body and Xanxus eyes widened in suprprise before preparing himself for Kuroi's next attack.

He couldn't believe how much energy Kuroi still had in his body.

He clenched his jaw as the flames threw him back, hitting his skin like someone pressing a boulder on top of his lungs. He struggled for breath before it was gone.

"You're here." He said with a sharp glare at the blonde in front of him. "Early."

She shrugged before focusing on her abilities as she gave her sky flames to Xanxus and absorbed the colorless flames.

A pained look flashed on her face before quickly disappearing.

"What can I say, sweetie? The kids can handle themselves." She winked at Xanxus who frowned before falling into step beside her.

"Long time no see!" Kuroi called out before giving a small smile. "Partner."

Dina gulped in response, so many mixed emotions running through her as she faced him, before shaking her head. "Kuroi, please..."

"Don't you fuckin' plead with me." He glared at her before taking off, colorless flames ablaze.

Dina grabbed Xanxus' hand, giving him most of her sky flames before he was pushed back, colliding with the floor, and half conscious.

Kuroi took a dagger from his holder and tossed it towards Dina, who caught it with ease as he produced one for himself.

"Your boyfriend's worn out.... It's your turn now." He grinned evilly.

The fight started quickly but Kuroi was full on offense while Dina deftly blocked his attacks.

"I don't want to fight you!" She yelled, struggling to evade all his attacks as he landed a hit on her cheek and she managed to disarm him right after.

Dina gasped before jumping away, her first instinct was to use her flames but she stopped herself, knowing that she needed to wait a little longer. She clenched and unclenched her fists, forcing herself to think straight.

"You're holding back on your flames, darlin'." Kuroi smirked, his blue eyes sparkling. A little more and he'd catch up to their plan.

Kuroi was never an idiot.

She growled in response, knowing she had no choice before dropping her knife and charging at Kuroi and tackling him to the ground before transporting most of Kuroims old rain flames back towards him and taking almost all of his colorless flames as she clung unto him for dear life.

She felt herself slacken and her body weaken as the colorless flames quickly invaded her senses. She grit her teeth as she felt the life literally suck out of her.

"That's enough!"

Dina loosened her grip in surprise and Kuroi was able to throw her of himself before retreating to Noelle's side.

Noelle looked like a mess all battered and bruised as she snatched Dina's dagger from the ground and made her way towards said person.

"Kuroi, get Xanxus." She said calmly before smiling at Dina sweetly, evil intention in her eyes.

"Kill him."

Dina's eyes widened as she struggled to stand.

"Wait..!" She yelled as Noelle pulled her up by the front of her dress before making her face the scenario being played out in front of her.

Kuroi held Xanxus up, similar to how Noelle was holding Dina before holding his hand up as a flame appeared.

A blue rain flame.

Kuroi's eyes widened as he looked at Dina. Noelle's breath hitched.

"Kuroi! If you ever had feelings about me! If anything we ever had was real! You'd let him go! Please...!"

Kuroi gently dropped Xanxus to the ground before glaring at Noelle.

"You told me that it was impossible for me to reclaim my rain flames!" He accused before walking towards Noelle, anger radiating off his body.

Noelle's face crumbled, complete rejection coating her face and her eues welled up in tears before she snapped her head towards Dina. "You!" She said angrily.

"An oath is an oath."

She pulled her arm back and plunged the dagger deep in Dina's abdomen, Dina's eyes widened as she crumpled to the ground, gasping, her body in shock.

"No!" Surprisingly it was Xanxus who yelled, managing to push himself to his feet and running towards her and taking her into his arms.

Kuroi charged after Noelle who had disappeared in the chaos.

"It's okay... You're okay..." Xanxus cradled her in his arms and rocked her back and forth as he placed pressure on her wound, her blood seeping through his fingers.


He shushed her. "Save your strength.." He pushe her hair away from her face as her trembling lips turned purple.

The sound of glass breaking was heard and Xanxus glared but didn't take his eyes off Dina.

"You're late."

He grit his teeth as Squalo knelt before him.

"Voi..." He said softly. "We need to get her help..."

Xanxus nodded before quickly carrying Dina bridal style and rushing out of the room, to the infirmary, mentally begging her to hold on.

Ghost of the Past (Katekyo Hitman Reborn/Xanxus) WATTYS 2017Where stories live. Discover now