Chapter 14 - LOST

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"We've got something." Karen looked up from her laptop, beckoning us to come closer.

"With Hiro's help, I was able to connect this laptop with the cameras we had at the base and the latest recording was of Kuroi exiting through the west gate."

"Due to that info, we should dispatch a few rangers to check out where his tracks lead and where the hell he came from." Hiro continued before the two of them smiled at each other.

Oh my... I totally feel the cupids fluttering around them!

I clapped my hands together. "Great! Kai is our best ranger so maybe we could send him out."

It's true. Kai was one of the best. He was always able to find things.

"And you'll be going with him." Karen affirmed and my jaw dropped.

"What? Why?" I asked. I wasn't really that good of a tracker. Plus, the death glare Xanxus was giving Kai... If looks could kill...

"I'm sure it won't be a problem." Karen smirked devilishly at Xanxus.

I could practically feel the feeling of revenge radiating off her. She was still mad at Xanxus' careless handling of her 'baby', as she puts it.

"I don't mind." Kai pointed out as he smiled at me.

From behind me, I hear Xanxus shuffling. "Fine." I said before walking out.


3rd Person POV

Kai smiled victoriously at Xanxus as he passed by him.

"If you touch her in any way, I will make sure you never see daylight ever again."

"Don't worry. I'm pretty much sure I don't have to do anything for Dina to fall for me."

He patted Xanxus' shoulder. "G'luck mate."


"Why do you even like him?" Kai asked Dina softly as they walked into a clearing.

"Why do you like me?" Dina countered.

"You're one of my closest friends, Dina. I don't want me to be the shoulder you cry on when he breaks your heart."

"How are you so sure he'll break my heart?"

"Guys like him, they're bad news."

"I am bad news."

They stopped as they reached what was once the institute. In ruins.

"There's the west gate." Dina walked towards the tall, banged up metal gates as Kai mumbled about how his sisters were gonna freak.

"Dina, wait!" Kai grabbed her arm and yanked her back as an explosion blasted right were Dina stood a few seconds ago.

"What the-?!"

"This place is a minefield!"

"It wasn't a minefield a few years ago!"

"Things change. Why the hell do you think no one passes through the west gate?!"

Dina smiled sheepishly. "Because it's impractical?"

"C'mon, let's see if you don't kill yourself in the next 2 hours." He chuckled as he led her through the field, helping her step over the other minds.

Apparently, he knows the place like the front of his hand.-- He claims that he doesn't look at the back of his hand a lot to know that much about it.


"He walked... Here..." Kai followed the tracks, bending his knees before frowning as he moved the grass and leaves around.

"Where did it go?" The two of them were just five miles away from the gate.

"Hang on." Dina mumbled a few meters away from him.

"He flew. But not before he--or whoever was with him, dropped this." She grabbed a dog tag from the ground.

"Wait. He flew? Can he do that?"

"Really, that's your big question?" She held the dog tag against the light.


"What does that mean?" Kai asked as he he tried to reach for the necklace. Dina kept it out of his reach, she didn't want anyone touching all she had left of Kuroi. Especially with what was written in the engraving.




As they returned to the hideout, they reported what they found and Kai practically dragged Xanxus by the neck to one side of the room.

"If Dina wasn't beautiful, would you still love her?"

"She's beautiful?" Xanxus raised a brow and looked her up and down before smiling slightly at her.

"I never noticed."

Dina rolled her eyes and blushed at their antics.



"What the hell is a baby in a suit doing in my island?!"

"This is Reborn." Tsuna introduced and the baby smiled up at them.

"The arcobaleno?!"

"Dina-san." The baby called before snatching the necklace out of her grip.

"This is interesting. It's made from silver forged by colorless flames." Reborn gave the necklace to a flustered Karen, who immediately ran some tests.

"Perso. Do any of you know the legend of the colorless flames?"

Hiro nodded, obviously doing research after his brother's 'death'.

"They say that when one loses their original flame but still have a flame capacity or potential, a colorless flame takes its place."

"Correct. How can their original flames be taken away?"

"It's either given or taken."

"We can reverse it. Do you get what I mean?"

Dina frowned before her eyes widened.

"What? What's going on?" Tsuna asked as Dina locked eyes with Xanxus.

"There's a way we can save Kuroi."

Ghost of the Past (Katekyo Hitman Reborn/Xanxus) WATTYS 2017Where stories live. Discover now