Chapter 5 - Walking Diabetes

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"What are you doing?!"

Boiling hot water was poured unto the back of her small, pale hands and she bit back a scream.

She knew better than to show pain. Whenever she did their treatments lasted longer.

They poured the water once more, the sound of skin sizzling and her flesh turning an ugly hue of red.

"Stop!" She choked out, but didn't make a move, knowing fully well the consequences.

They repeated the process.



And again.

Until the female Cavallone couldn't distinguish pain from pleasure.




Dina Cavallone could no longer feel physical pain.


"This is the most painful feeling in the world." She cracked her fingers nervously.

"I swear, all of you guys practically live to see my suffering."

"It's quite a show after all." Hiro grinned before returning to his book.

"What are you even reading?! Is that-- "Guide to social interaction"--- What the hell?!"

Hiro shrugged a response and Dina sighed.

"I can't believe that asshole Cavallone could do this to me."

"You do realise the irony in your statement?" Hiro raised a brow and glanced back at the other Cavallone before sighing as she was doing one of her 'things' again.

That 'thing' being an imitation of a That's So Raven flashback.


Dino practically waltzed inside the manor, a triumphant smile plastered on his face as he nearly skipped to the watching Hiro and Dina who stopped discussing the probability of the moscha's weaknessess not only being the eyes.

Dino laid down two pieces of paper on top of their paperwork, beaming at them like a petulant child waiting for the praise of their parents.

He leaned on the table with one hand before slipping of and falling to the floor.

"Smooth." Hiro mumbled while Dina laughed.

"You were doing great until the table." She scanned the contents of said paper before freezing in place.

"What the hell is this?"

"It's a--"

"I know what it is!! What I'm asking is why our names--" Dina points to herself and her partner-in-crime. "-on student application forms!"

"Well, I thought-"

"No, you didn't think! It's what you always do!"


"There's no helping it." Hiro says, looking at a piece of paper Dino had given him.

"C'mon, we have to look for a... Mrs. Tasaka?"

"Are.. two of you...Hiro and Dina Moran?" A woman asked, her voice shaking with the unfamiliar english language she was speaking with.

"We can speak Japanese. You must be Mrs. Tasaka?" Hiro smiled as he spoke in Japanese while Dina pouted and looked to the side.

Tasaka smiled and nodded her head, relieved that she didn't have to speak in english any longer.

"Come this way please." She led them into the school, the students long gone in their classrooms.

"Here we are." She smiled before opening the door to one classroom and stepping inside.

"Class, these two will be your new classmates. Please treat them well."

The whole class gave a standard greeting as they looked at the two. It was obvious they didn't belong in such a place.

Hiro's uniform was thrown on like it didn't belong but still looked meticulously good on him. His shirt peeked out from underneath his overshirt with sleeves folded up and his black slacks covering his legs fully. His glasses--fake, of course, giving off the nerdy look.

Dina looked like someone who couldn't care less. She only wore the white button down of the unform and it's top buttons were opened because Dino used the size she thought she'd be in with her skort showing off her legs and black stockings poking out of her school shoes.

The fact that Dina had foreign blood didn't help either.

"It's you!" A voice bellowed, Sasagawa Ryohei emered from the other students pointing accussingly at Dina's chest.

His face reddened for a bit before he backed away.

Dina smirked, one side of her lips tilted upwards, a hand place on her her hip which was jutting out.

"Aren't I a sight for sore eyes?"

Hiro sighed from beside her as he noticed her pleasure at the discomfort of others.

Like brother like sister.


Dina took a bite of her peanut butter and jelly sandwich and happily chewed, relishing it's flavor. She closed her eyes and smiled, swinging her legs back and forth at the comfort food and sweets brought in her life.

"You're practically walking diabetes."

She growled, glaring at the silver haired boy who had finally made an appearance. She had noticed his presence awhile ago and ignored him because of her curiosity about he'd approach her.

"Everyone has an 80% chance of having diabetes when they grow older, why shouldn't I enjoy what acid reflux might destroy for me in the future?" She smiled before patting on the extra space on the bench.

"Nice place you got here." He mentione the new hiding spot she had found in a sort of garden, alcove, whatever you could call it, which he was totally ruining for her.

"Cut the small talk. I hate that." She snapped, her voice like a needle. "I'd like to have a conversation with more depth."

"Like with intercourse?"

"Who even calls it that these days?" She shook her head. "You know what, never mind. I just like talking to someone different, you know? Someone with an aura off the brink of insanity."

"Someone like you?"

"Gezz, what was your mother smoking when she had you?!" Dina punched his shoulder lightly.

"I never knew who my mother was personally and well, I never had much of a father." Gokudera wrung his hands together and Dina softened up before taking another bite.

"I see where you get the attitude." She laughs, knowing exactly how he feels and trying to ease the tension.

"Yeah... Can I ask you something personal?"

"Whoa! Hold your horses! I don't think our relationship is already on 'that' level!"

"I wasn't talking about that! I just thought maybe you'd understand, how I feel about my father.."

Dina pressed her lips together. "Can't say I know what to tell you... I mean, both our father were dicks so I never really thought about how to act or feel about it. I guess we're kindred spirits in that way."

Gokudera Hayato looked at her, relating to her words. "Would you forgive him? Ever?"

He regarded the elephant on their minds.

"My father?" Dina asked him, smiled and without hesitation answered.


Ghost of the Past (Katekyo Hitman Reborn/Xanxus) WATTYS 2017Where stories live. Discover now