Chapter 11 - 'Never won, always fought.'

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I'd like to dedicate this chapter to the awesome Dream-My-Guns for being amazing!!! Round of applause please!

Dina: Yay!! *claps hands before noticing Xanxus not clapping and starts poking his cheek* She said applause! *pouts*

Xanxus: *Rolls eyes before starting to clap very slowly*

Kai: She doesn't own KHR, swearing it on Squalo's lovely hair.

Hiro: Do you even know who that is?

Kai: *Shrugs* I don't know, man but they say he has nice hair...

Dina: Sweets?

Kai: Yeah?

Dina: I was asking if you had any... O-O

Kai: *Blushes* Let's just get in on!


"Actually, I..." I frowned as a troublesome thought occured at the back of my mind. "I can't find anymore sweets!!!"

I proceedingly slammed all the cupboard doors.

"Dina-san... You finished all of them..." Tsuna stuttered out.

"Seriously, it's nothing to worry about, Tsuna. She always does this when she's stressed." Kai comforted him.

"Dinasaur!" He yelled out and I whipped my head around to glare coldly at him.

"Don't call me that! Kailey!" I stomped my foot before giving up and flopping myself on the couch beside the future Vongola boss.

"Where did all the sweets go?" I cried out, hiccuping a bit for emphasis.

"In your stomach." Noelle replied, rolling her eyes at me.

"I never!... Well, maybe I did finish that whole bowl but-!"

"Please, everyone knows your argument is invalid." Hiro mumbled before tossing each of us a sort of device whilst I pouted childishly at him.

"What's this?" Dino, for the first time since the fight, asked.

"It's a sort of storage for your extra flames, just in case." Karen smiled, proud of her invention. "The colorless flamed people have been our enemies ever since we were old enough to know what the Liberta Institute was for."

"What was it for?" Tsuna asked the most obvious question and the one that's on everyone's mind.

"The gathering of homeless children with massive amount of power to be the next generation to fight the war with the colorless flames... It didn't matter what the size of the flames, the strength of the child, if they had some sort of power and had a family who were willing to reject them or if they had no family at all...

We were trained to fight, to kill, and destroy all those with those flames. A battle that can never be won, always fought."

Dina's reply was monotone, almost robotic as if it were drilled into her brain.

Xanxus stood up, tossed the device back in Karen's direction, who barely caught it.

"He-hey!" She yelled. "I worked hard for these things, I could've dropped it!"

"And that would be who's problem?" He asked as he grabbed his cloak. "I don't need it."

He walked out of the room, leaving us in a stunned silence.

Ghost of the Past (Katekyo Hitman Reborn/Xanxus) WATTYS 2017Where stories live. Discover now