2 1 - R e t a l i a t e

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"What's that?" Dina asked Kuroi as the two of them waited for their next target to appear. He was looking at a picture and smiling slightly to himself as he raised a brow and gave the picture to Dina.

It was a picture of the whole group, Hiro frowning and looking to the side, Noelle laughing with an arm around her sister who was red in the face, Kai was mid bite through a corn dog, Kuroi smirking at the camera and Dina sucking on a lollipop with an unamused expression on her face.

"It's our family." Kuroi stated as Dina looked at him curiously as her eyes widened for she never thought that she was considered family to Kuroi or the others.

"Why do you always bring this?"

He shrugged before staring ahead, his eyes distant. "So I'd never forget the guy I am and the guy I was."

Dina nodded slowly before holding it back to Kuroi. He pushed her hand back until the picture gently hit her chest.

"Keep it. I have another copy.... Besides, I think that one day, you might need it more than I do."

Dina's lips parted as she blushed. She wanted to say something. A thank you or anything really to express how she felt but as she leaned forward to prep herself.

"The target's here... Let's go."

She never got a chance to do so.

< • > •< • > • <


Dina's POV

I groaned as I hit my head against one of the tables as I was flung towards one of the tables.

"Ugh." I groaned in pain before moving quickly and jumping to the side as a chair was thrown at me.

What is it with Noelle and breaking furniture?!

Thinking up a plan, I stood up and grabbed the butterfly knife from the side of my thighs and threw it at her and jumped high in the air using my flames to support me.

As expected, Noelle was able to dodge it with a smirk. "Is that the best you can-"

The air was knocked out of her lungs as I managed to land a hit on her stomach and she crashed into a  wall in the far back.

"B-bitch..." She sputtered out before glaring at me.

"I never stole Kuroi from you." I grabbed her by the neckline of her dress and was about to throw a punch at her face but I froze when I heard a whirring sound behind me.

She smirked and I let go of her and jumped away. Two seconds later, a mosca landed on where I was standing, right in front of Noelle.

Her purple hair swung to the side and I growled as a few more mosca's appeared.

I was outnumbered.

"Don't make that face just yet." A voice called out and I saw Hiro with a forced smile on his face beside Karen, who was still looking at her sister in utter betrayal.

The three of them ran headfirst, flames ablaze as they cut down mosca after mosca.

Karen was able to reach her sister, throwing a small impact ranged, sticky grenade of her own creation at the mosca behind Noelle and pulled her away as the explosion completely destroyed the mosca.

"You always liked your toys." Noelle sighed in annoyance before grabbing the sword from the scabbard on her hip. Karen, let go of her whilst grabbing her own weapon in retaliation.

A gun attached to a dagger.

Dina raise a brow suggestively before letting out a low wolf whistle to Hiro who glared at her. She shrugged.

"Can't blame me, that was a really good fetish call... It's kinky."

Hiro rolled his eyes, trying to hide his smirk.

They were ignored by the two siblings who were completely used to their banter, after sweatdropping of course.

"Noelle, stop this." Karen said, her eyes begging.

"It's too late for me to stop..." Noelle's eyes softened as she whipered. "Sorry it had to end this way, Ren."

"Me too, Elle."


"Dina, go! I'll hold them off!" Hiro yelled out as he took down the mosca Dina was having a few problems with.

She wouldn't have been having a hard time if she wasn't holding off. She was preserving her strength and her power for her true mission.


"Finish the mission, dammit!" He grinned at her, before elbowing a mosca in the head. She was about to retort but stilled seeing the look in Hiro's eyes.

"Bring my brother back, Dina."

Dina paused, her expression crumbling before nodding firmly and sprinting towards the direction Xanxus and Kuroi disappeared to.


Xanxus fired a shot at Kuroi with his guns but Kuroi was able to block it with his colorless flames and they both landed opposite each other, ways apart.

They had been fighting for awhile now, which surprised both parties immensely.

Both were used to being the strongest.

Even so, wounds and bruises littered their body. Their breathing were both labored which was what Xanxus intended. He had to tire Kuroi out for Dina's plan to work efficiently.

It was also so that there would be an increased chance that Dina would walk away from this unscathed.

"So you're my replacement?" Kuroi pressed his lips together, sizing Xanxus up. Xanxus noticed this and stood straighter and squared his shoulders, and Kuroi did the same.

To anyone watching, it would've looked like two egotistic men portraying their dominance and standing.

Kuroi's eyes narrowed before he smirked, holding his hands up in an 'I surrender' motion before making colorless flames appear on both his hands and his eyes to lose it's color. Somehow, it looked like his eyes rolled to the back of his head but Xanxus knew better as he felt this dreadful tug at the pit of his stomach.

This wasn't the limit of Kuroi's power.

"No weapons." Kuroi announced, his smile growing wider. "Let's see if you're worthy."

Xanxus clenched his jaw before dropping his guns and latting his own raw sky flames appear on his hands.

It was now a battle of resolve.

One both sides did not intend on losing.



This is for Dream-My-Guns because she is awesome and I love her. Always finds a way to make my day!

Also, I was scrolling through tumblr and I found this photo and it just melted ny heart coz I thought of it a Dina and Xanxus...

Hehehe Imagination be like.

Thank you for reading!

Ghost of the Past (Katekyo Hitman Reborn/Xanxus) WATTYS 2017Where stories live. Discover now