Bonus Chapter!!

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Hiro was a mess.

His blonde hair tousled and messy by how many times he ran his fingers through it. His eyes, red and glazed, tired by the recent events.

'Why couldn't life be simpler?' He sighs, what he was about to do wasn't an easy task. What he ha to do was betraying the people he called his famiglia his whole life.

But he had to.

He let out a short cough, straightened his shirt, tried to tame his hair and knocked on the door.

He heard shuffling of feet and it took awhile before Xanxus opened the door, in a fraction that only gave Hiro a view of his face.

"I need to talk to you."

"Then talk." Xanxux brows furrowed but Hiro shook his head, his eyes darting towards what he could see of the room behind Xanxus' head.


Xanxus stared icily at Hiro for a few moments, both of them unwilling to back down until Hiro decided to type something on his phone.

About Dina.

Xanxus' jaw clenched before he nodded and closed the door to his room.

Hiro led him a few ways down the hall before turning to face him.

"You have to stop the mission from taking place."

Xanxus glared hard at Hiro. He knew about Dino's theory about the spy so he definutely had his doubts on Hiro's statement.

"Why? Kuroi may be your brother but-"

Hiro's eyes widened before hardening. "This is not about my brother, Xanxus. If Dina continues with this mission, she could die."

Xanxus' breath caught on his throat. "What?"

Hiro sighs before nodding solemnly. "The transportation of Kuroi's blue flames from Dina might kill her or be fatal because his flame is one of the only things keeping her alive."

"We're not even sure if the transition would work..." Xanxus whispers, his eyes darting to the side. "Would she really do something as reckless as that?"

"For someone she cares about, yes. She would. Just like she'd do the same for all of us." Hiro paused, his jaw clenching.

"It's just that, I don't want her to die. I can't lose Dina."

"It's not an option." Xanxus replies before awkwardly patting Hiro's shoulder in a somewhat comforting manner.

"I can't lose her too."


"This dress." Dina looked down at what she was wearing, her mouth set in a grimace.

She sighs before spinning around, her hair was pulled up and her makeup, done by Noelle, was absolutely flawless.

Why she was so anxious, she had no idea.

Her heart quickened and by instinct, she put her fist to her chest and tapped it lightly.

"You're fine." She whispers to her reflection on the mirror before grabbing her purse.

She was only kidding herself, she knew why she was so anxious but her stubborn side didn't want to admit it to herself.

She had to look her best tonight, just in case....

The worst possible scenario comes...

Ghost of the Past (Katekyo Hitman Reborn/Xanxus) WATTYS 2017Where stories live. Discover now