Chapter 15 - Fantasy

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"Are you sure about this?" Hiro looked up from the open folder, in which Dina had scrawled a squiggly 'Top Secret' sign on the top.

"Yep! It's fool-proof!" Dina said before she saw the look on Hiro's face and understood his underlying message.

The corners of her mouth tilted up in a sad smile.

"Don't worry." She poked his forehead. "I'll be fine. I always have."

"Remember when I gave you that plastic hair clip I found when I was a kid?"

"It was the first gift you gave me." Dina nodded, smiling at the memory before tapping the small hair clip with a plastic diamond.

"I wear it everyday."

"Why?" He furrows his brows, jokingly tapping the hair clip.

"It's special to me."

"Ladies!" Kai strides in, a smile on his mouth, words flowing out in smooth manner.

He freezes when he sees Hiro, shakily pointing his finger at the glaring blond.

"I didn't see you there... Am I in an awkward situation?" He asks Dina, his voice childlike. Dina gives him a sheepish smile and shrugs.

"Well. I'll leave you to it." He shuffles back to the doorway, movement awkward and stiff.

"The boat leaves in a few hours, right?"

"Yup." Dina replies, popping the 'p'. "I already asked Iemitsu to prepare two boats for our departure to civilization."

"I probably should get dressed as well." Hiro says, shaking his head irritably.

"Me too." Dina smiles at him before they both retire to their rooms.


"I don't know about this, Kuroi..." Little Dina looked up at the blue haired boy with wide eyes.

"Don't be such a scaredy cat!" He teased as he stuck his tongue out and held out a hand to help her up.

"I have to show you something! I swear it's worth it!"

Dina pouted before grabbing Kuroi's hand. Defeated, with a huge blow to her egotistic stubbornness, she sighs.

"Fine. But it better be."


"It's so hot!" Dina whined as she hang limp on the bar table.

"Drink water, dumbass." Xanxus spat, handing her a glass of water.

Dina smiled at his actions. Even though they had openly admitted their mutual feelings for each other, he still treated her the same.

He didn't call her trash anymore though and Dina enjoyed it. Quite a lot.

Taking a large mouthful of water, a few droplets escaped from the side of her lips and she breathed out in relief from the refreshment.

"Ah! That felt great. Thanks!" She beamed at Xanxus who's mouth twitched as he let out a soft chuckle.

Raising a hand, he wipes the side of her mouth with his tongue. She blushes before smiling timidly.

"Dina, can I talk to you?"

Dina stands up to see her brother looking at them disapprovingly.

"Alright." She replied softly, deftly rolling her eyes at his expression.

He leads her to the side of the yacht, safe from prying eyes.

"I know you probably hate me or- er, something along those lines but-"

"W-wait." Dina placed both hands on her brother's shoulders. "Dino, I don't hate you."

"You don't have to lie... You practically despise me." Dino smiled at her sadly, brushing her hands off him.

"I don't. I mean it." She crosses her hands. "I thought I did..." She said softly, biting the inner part of her cheek.

"What?" Dino asked, startled by her statement.

"I just thought you changed, then I would've had a reason to hate you the next time I saw you. I thought you'd have forgotten about lil' old me or forgot I even existed."

"But I didn't."

"Exactly." She agreed, her voice strained. "I thought about it a lot. But Seeing you still caring about me just got me even more angry, you know?" She blinked, her eyes welling up with tears.

"At me?" Dino asked, his voice soft. Understanding. His eyes held deep concern and the sort of worry you could see in a brother.

"At myself." Dina openly admitted, laughing at herself shamefully. "I always thought that I had no one to go back to... That my home was in Liberta but meeting you again, I realized just how fuckíng stupid I actually was for thinking for one second that I didn't miss you."

"Dina..." Dino was speechless, his eyes were wide and Dina pushed past him. He stood still, unable to stop her.

"I love you, Bro-bro..." She whispers, the nickname so familiar on the tip of her tongue. She smiles at how silly she feels as her tears fall.

"It's my greatest fantasy that you should know that."


"Hey, jerk."

Xanxus licks his lips as they press into a small smile.

It falls off his face when he sees the tears falling off her face.

"Are you?"

She shakes her head and he growls under his breath.

"Is it Dino?" He asks angrily, his hands tightening into fists.

"No- I mean, yes but these are- aren't sad tears..." Dina fails to explain and Xanxus moves towards her before tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"It's silly. I s'pose."

Xanxus breathes a sigh of relief before fishing a lollipop from his pocket and holding it out to her.

She blushes and laughs softly before wiping a few tears and sniffling. Her small fingers take the lollipop from his hand.

"Where did you get this?"

It was Xanxus' turn to blush. "Remember when you couldn't find anymore candy?"

"That was you?!" She glares at him, faux-accusingly. "I was blamed for that! You took them all by yourself!"

"I have a bit of a sweet tooth..."

She smiles brightly at him and he averts his gaze before walking away, hands in his pockets.

"You should smile more often..." He mutters under his breath.

"It suits you."

Dina happily twirls the lolly between her thimb and index finger as she hummed to herself.

She knew that Xanxus was new at this relationship-thing and she was too but so far...

She was liking every second of it.

Ghost of the Past (Katekyo Hitman Reborn/Xanxus) WATTYS 2017Where stories live. Discover now